63. A new start

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Misha chose his clothes extra carefully that Sunday and spent almost fifteen minutes just fixing his hair in front of the mirror. He would never admit it, but on Saturday he had bought a new aftershave with this date in his mind. Joni might have said it was just a friends' meeting, but... Well, he was courting him, after all. (Though he would never admit to Ivo that he was taking his advice.) He was trying to fix his mistake and, if possible, do such a damn fine job, the brat would forget the silly idea of golfing.

He checked his appearance once more before leaving. Wondered briefly if he should bring something to Joni's parents, or if would that just be pushing it to a corny level?–It might... So he went empty-handed, slightly worried that Joni's father would still be angry at him.

He parked the car in front of the house and got out, strolling towards the front door. Misha took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. He listened to the approaching steps, hoping that it would be Joni, and had to be disappointed when Asko opened the door instead. The man raised his brow and gave him a stern, expecting look.


"Hi, I came to pick Joni up," Misha smiled under the hard gaze.

"Pick him up? I am not sure if..." Asko started but was soon cut off by his son who hurried down the stairs.

"I'm going to play mini-golf with Misha," Joni explained, smiling. "Didn't I tell you?" He asked his father while putting his shoes on.

"No, you didn't," Asko sighed. "Now what about lunch?"

"I'll take him out to eat," Misha told the man, who glanced at him with a somewhat worried expression on his features.

"Don't look so worried Dad, see you later!" Joni grinned and grasped his jacket. It was a sunny day, but the wind made it a bit chilly out.

"Bye then," Misha said to Joni's father, feeling somewhat awkward in his presence.

"Bye," Asko sighed and watched the two of them go.

Misha walked ahead and opened the passenger side door for Joni, which made the younger man chuckle. "You know, I can open doors myself," he grinned at the blond who smiled and shrugged.

"I'm being polite," Misha answered and waited till Joni got in.

"Well, thanks," Joni said and gave the taller man a curious look as he fastened his seatbelt. He had been looking forward to seeing Misha all morning. The feelings were there, his love for Misha unchangeable, and the fear of getting his feelings hurt once more. Could Misha really stand all that he was?

"No problem," Misha said, grinned back, and closed the door, before circling the car. "Would you rather go eat first or later after playing?" He asked once he had started the car.

"Later," Joni replied, watching him. "Have you ever mini-golfed before?"

"Once, years ago... You?" Misha asked, glancing at him.

"Few times," Joni nodded. "I bet I can beat your ass in the game," he grinned.

"Oh indeed? Well, we just have to wait and see, don't we?" Misha chuckled and again gave the brunette a brief look while driving. Joni at least seemed to be in a good mood and for that, he was pleased. "Your father is scary by the way," Misha commented then.

"Scary?" Joni chuckled. "He's just constantly worried," he shrugged. "I think he just can't help it like it's programmed into him to worry about everything."

"I don't blame him for worrying, especially after... Well, you know..." Misha trailed off.


"He doesn't like me much at the moment, does he?" The blond asked and Joni watched him silently for a while, leaning back in his seat.

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