45. The issue with the pictures

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Suvi shifted uncomfortably on the couch glaring at her husband, her hand stroking her belly as if it would help to soothe the nausea she felt.

"What did the asshole say?" she asked, watching him carefully. Adam sighed heavily, feeling utterly exhausted, he hadn't slept well. Suvi would give birth soon and his best friend was arrested. Though he felt angry at Chris for doing what he had, there was a part of him that felt bad thinking that Chris would be alone without him. Chris wasn't pure evil, he was confused and hurt, of course, it didn't excuse anything, but...

Adam shrugged and sat down. "He needs help," he said, looking at his wife who was upset and in a very emotional state; every feeling came out twice as strong.

"I tell you what that jerk needs; he needs a fucking good beating! He needs to be neutered for what he did to my cousin!" she screamed and started to cry. "You should have warned us about him!" Suvi accused, making him upset.

"I didn't know he would do this!" Adam defended himself.

Suvi glared at him through her tears. "You did not know how jealous he could get? He never gave you any signs or clues of getting violent easily?"

Adam gave her a sad look, not knowing how to reply. "His father is a violent jerk, always was. Look, he abused Chris' mother and beat him up as well a few times when Chris was a kid, I-... I've seen how difficult he had it, how upset he was. I was a kid and didn't know what to do then and... "

"It's no excuse, " Suvi whispered. "I know people from violent families, and guess what; they're not abusing their current family members."

"I know it's no excuse! But it has affected him and he needs help to sort that out!"

"I'm sure they will arrange for someone to talk to him when he gets sentenced, " Suvi replied somewhat coldly. "I do not want anything to do with that guy ever again. I don't want you to have anything to do with him."

Adam got up. "He's my friend, Suvi, I can't just turn my back on him like that! I've known him since I was a boy!"

"And I am your wife!" she pointed out. "I'm giving birth to our son in just a few weeks! And Joni is my family. I do not want that man anywhere near us ever again."

Adam turned to the window breathing fast. "I am angry at him, I am upset, but if he regrets and is willing to seek help and admit what he did I promised to be there."

"People like him don't change and I don't want the possibility of him trying to use your friendship to get back to bother my cousin somehow, nor do I want the likes of him near our child!"

Adam looked at her, torn inside. There was a time, long ago when he and Chris had been children when Chris had escaped to their home from another fight. A time when Adam had sworn upon their friendship, that he'd always be there, that they would be there for each other.

"I made a promise. I can't break it, not if he comes to his senses and does what I asked."

"I can't believe you, Adam! He almost killed my cousin! He fucking raped my cousin! And Joni has to deal with that for the rest of his life! I can not and will not forgive Chris ever!"

When Adam was quiet Suvi rose awkwardly. "Choose," she said. "Me and the baby or your friend?" she breathed fast, looking at him nervously.

Adam turned to look at her with pain in his eyes, "Please..."

"Is it really that difficult?" Tears filled her eyes and started falling down her cheeks. It was a painful sight and Adam shook his head softly, walked over to her, and hugged her.

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