29. Surprise

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It was Chris who had suggested it, on a long weekend at the end of the summer that they spent in Paris together. Chris had bought the trip to make up and thank Joni for giving up a chance to go to Paris to model that summer, choosing to spend time with him instead.

After a fabulous dinner at an expensive restaurant, and a walk along the streets of the beautiful city, they arrived back at their hotel room.

"Thank you for the dinner, Chris, and for all of this. This is... well, you surprised me," Joni smiled at him, watching as he took a bottle of sparkling wine and opened it.

Chris grinned. "So, you're not regretting your choice?" he asked, raising his brow while filling two glasses. Joni, who now stood before the window smiled softly and finally, shook his head.

"Other opportunities will arise, I'm sure."

Nodding Chris approached him, giving the other glass to him.

"When I go to the army..." Joni started looking into Chris' eyes with a hint of sadness. They had talked about it before and what it would mean; that most likely they wouldn't be able to see each other for anything between six to twelve months and Joni thought it would be best to break up and stay friends. It would be crazy to ask the other to wait for that long.

Chris brought his finger to Joni's lips before he could continue.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," he smiled. "Come, let's sit on the couch." Taking Joni's hand Chris led the younger man to the nearby sofa, seating him down.

Joni looked up curiously, Chris had seemed... anxious the whole time, almost excited but refusing to tell him what he was planning.

"So yes, you have been right; there is a surprise I've been dying to tell you," he started, sitting down next to him, "what better place than here?"

"Okay, now you're making me nervous." Joni chuckled when Chris took his hand in his and smiled mysteriously, silently, just watching him.

"Just spit it out Chris, don't tease me," Joni laughed, "just please don't ask me to marry you," he joked nervously.

At this Chris was quiet for a brief moment before he chuckled. "I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm asking you to move in with me."

"O-oh," It hadn't been what he expected and for a moment it was difficult to know what to say. " I... we've talked about this. I'm... as much as I like Canada; I'm not ready to move there, and...."

Smiling Chris shook his head and brought his hand on Joni's cheek. "No, love, I got offered a job in Helsinki, which I accepted and I'm moving in October. So, I want you to live with me. I love you and I don't want to give you up, not for some stupid army."

Again, Joni felt lost with what to say. All of it came as such a big surprise, it was more than he was ready for. Chris saying; 'I love you for the first time, Chris saying 'I'm moving to Helsinki', Chris asking him to move in with him.

Different emotions moved through him at once; confusion, fear, happiness, excitement, nervousness, even slight nausea that might have been dizziness, then panic and again happiness. moving in, love. Chris' words kept repeating themselves in his mind love ... it was such a big word, such a big step.

Paris, the hotel, the dinner, gifts,  all of it and love...Chris loved him. Chris was doing this all for him? Giving all up... for him?

"Well, aren't you going to say anything?" Chris asked impatiently, making Joni realize that he had been quiet for quite long, his mouth felt dry.

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