35. Famous, are we?

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Their meetings at the gym continued; whether Misha realized it or not, he had started to change his own routine to match Joni's, who liked to train in the morning or at noon, so every chance that Misha got, he went to the gym early; at his lunch hour or day off.

Even Joni found himself rather expecting to see Misha there and when the man wasn't, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He didn't tell Chris one word about these meetings, he knew he wouldn't approve, he knew it would only anger him and he considered the risk of getting caught very slim.

Finding it difficult to concentrate on studying at home, Joni had also started to go to the library during the days that Chris was working at home. He knew Chris didn't really like that either but had consented on the terms that he would get to drive Joni there and pick him up after two hours.

The moments alone, away from home and away from Chris were the moments Joni cherished, the moments that kept him sane, even studying had become something fun, something enjoyable.

He laid his books down on an empty table, took his notebook, pen and his... reading glasses, sighed, and started working, getting lost in his project.

Misha was searching for something new to read for the weekend at the library when he suddenly spotted Joni there, sitting alone in a quiet area... studying? Misha smiled watching him from the distance, tilting his head; the boy seemed concentrated, he was wearing glasses, this was new, he had never seen glasses on him before. Actually, he looked quite sexy like that, intelligent and disturbingly hot.

He heard quiet giggling and whispers and saw two teenage girls peeking from behind one of the shelves near Joni, watching him secretly almost like he was.

"Ask him," the other tried to encourage her friend.

"I can't," the other giggled nervously.

"Yes, you can, go on..." The Brunette girl pushed her redhead friend forwards, towards the table.

Joni looked up when sensing someone approaching. He looked at the short red-haired girl, who bit her lip and blushed slightly.

"You're the model right?... Joni Lehto?" she asked, wriggling a book in her hands.

"Yeah?" Joni was slightly surprised.

"Um... would it be possible... to get your autograph?" She was still blushing, "I have a pen and paper here, I'm your fan, you see," she explained.

" Eh, s-sure..." He hadn't expected such an encounter at a place like this. Usually, people who proclaimed themselves as his fan were drunk gay guys at a club and he hadn't been to clubs for months. Even before the abuse took place Chris's jealousy had immediately risen from such encounters. This was also the first time he had ever asked for an autograph, it now made him feel somewhat awkward, when the person he had been before would have loved this moment.

"Can you write: to Anette?" She asked. Joni nodded, smiled faintly and wrote what the girl asked, and handed the paper back to her.

"Thank you! I and all my friends think you're hot... If you weren't gay, I'd ask you out, I think it's cool though..." She blabbered nervously, "My brother is gay, you see, he thinks you're hot, too," as she spoke she got even redder. "So he'll be jealous when I tell him that I met you, he won't believe me I guess, but he will now when I have this!" she grinned.

Joni smiled, "Well, I'm... honored to hear, thank you."

"Thanks for this," she said and then quickly fled back to her friend, both giggled quietly and smiled at him before disappearing behind the shelves. There was a passing bitter feeling when he thought about the chances he had given up for Chris. He would have had the chance for greater fame, and before all this, he would have enjoyed it. It wasn't so long ago that he was offered a role in one TV show, said he looked perfect for the part. But what had happened with Chris had ruined his confidence. Fame scared him because Chris could destroy him so easily with those pictures.

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