20. Canadian

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Suvi's mother truly had no skills when it came down to speaking English. It was kind of amusing to watch the poor woman. She obviously wanted to talk with her daughter's future husband, but when she tried to use the little English she knew, it only came out as a nervous spluttering, Finnish, English, and even Swedish mixing and forming a whole new language that seemed impossible to understand. Finally, she gave up on trying and allowed her daughter to translate.

Nina, on the other hand, might have had slightly better skills than her mother did, but she seemed too nervous to try and voice what she wanted to say and ask. So, instead, she observed silently, ogling at Chris really, smiling and fluttering her eyelashes in a way that she must have thought was seducing.

Suvi's father, Harri, who was a sociable man, didn't let his awkward accent bother him. Joni felt somewhat amused listening to how absolutely horrible his pronunciation sounded, but at the same time, he was rather proud that his uncle didn't let it stop him. Both Chris and Adam seemed to understand him well enough.

It was amazing, how a curious parent could gather so much information in a matter of minutes. So far Harri had been able to inquire about Adam's family background, political and religious beliefs, and former relationship history (had been engaged once before). On top of that, all about the schools, he had attended and his plans for future family and work. All this in a matter of just thirty minutes or so.

Joni felt slightly on the outside there, outside and bored. He sat next to Nina, on the couch in the living room, flipping through a random magazine and listening to the conversation quietly.

"And... What do you do? Um, what job? Or study?" Nina finally dared to speak and it made Joni look up at the man to whom the question was directed.

"I'm a game designer and amateur boxer," the Canadian replied, smiling at her. As his eyes suddenly met Joni's the smile slowly turned into a subtle grin.

"Ottaisikohan pojat kahvia?" Suvi's mother Merja wondered, looking at her guests, then at her daughter.

"Would you like some coffee?" Suvi asked.

"Yes, thank you," Adam smiled at Merja, probably pleased that the interrogation seemed final over.

"Yes, please," Chris replied politely, and once more his eyes met briefly with Joni's. 

He did wake Joni's curiosity. For a man with a such brutal hobby, his face didn't look like it had suffered any major injuries. His nose, for instance, didn't look like it had ever been broken. 

A game designer and a boxer; quite a curious combination. Joni thought while his eyes still studied the handsome foreigner. He did think he preferred men with shorter hair, but the long hair seemed to suit Chris and he was curious how it would like open. Those icy blue eyes were rather intriguing as well, almost a little scary with how intensive they could be. 

Misha's eyes were more harmonic blue, easier to gaze into and get lost in their depth. He suddenly wondered if Misha could win against Chris if they got into a fight, even if Misha didn't have a hobby like boxing, he must have been a little taller than Chris, and... he did go to the gym so, he had strength too...And why the hell was he thinking of Misha again?!   He almost groaned to himself realizing where his thoughts had traveled. He really should stop thinking about him! And definitely should stop comparing other men to him... Easier said than done.

"Joni?" Merja's voice snapped him from his thoughts and he looked a little embarrassedly at her. He realized she had probably asked if he wanted coffee too and he had just completely spaced out.

"Kiitos, voin juoda kupillisen,"(Thank you, I could drink a cup.) he replied. 

The conversation continued, with lighter topics and now Joni paid more attention to it. He realized that Chris most probably felt even more like an outsider there, and he did seem to look in his direction a lot. But maybe it was Nina that he was looking at; after all, she was a cute-looking girl, he pondered, and... He was straight, wasn't he?

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