79. That's just orgasm talk

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"Okay, throw me off," Misha whispered in his ear. The blond was holding him against his chest, arms wrapped around him in a secure hold. Joni tried to struggle, he tried to squirm, he tried, but it was useless.

"I can't! You know I can't! You're bigger than me and it's not fair!" The smaller man sighed with frustration. Misha wanted to teach him self-defense, but after a while of practicing Joni found this all rather ridiculous, Misha was taller and much stronger, how the hell could he throw him off if the blond didn't even give him the chance to move his arms? "Let go!"

"When someone attacks you, they are not going to play fair," Misha pointed out. He knew Joni had little chance to fight him off now because he didn't yet know the little tricks that he could use and this was one lesson to make him want to learn them. "Think, what would you do, if this was real?" Again the younger man tried to squirm and Misha chuckled. "Not working," he said, feeling somewhat ashamed when he found this a bit too arousing he was quite sure that Joni wouldn't be ready to play such a game and besides what mattered now, was to teach him, just in case he needed it in the future. In case Chris ever... returned.

"I will soon kick your balls!" Joni snapped. And when Misha again chuckled the brunet added. "I mean it!"

"Oh, I know you mean it and yes, if this was real it's certainly something you can attempt to do, but I beg you not to try it now." He sighed and finally let go before Joni could feel his hardening member. The brunet turned and rubbed his arms while watching him. "Did I hurt you?" Misha asked with concern.

"You held me pretty tight," Joni sighed. "But I'm alright, I just don't see how I could get free from that?"

"Well, the trick is to try and prevent getting into such a hold," Misha said and Joni cocked his brow. "When the attacker approaches you from behind and tries to grasp you... okay stand there..." Misha again turned Joni around, his back against him, and the younger man sighed. "Now, I'll grasp your arm, and you..."

"Have no idea, except to kick and scream and... bite?" Joni said grinning and turned his face to the blond. "I know that one should rather call fire! Than... 'help I'm being attacked,' does that work? Or pepper spray? Though is that a forbidden weapon these days? " Joni wondered. "Is hairspray forbidden? Not that I would walk around carrying hairspray with me."

"You're not taking this seriously," Misha sighed.

"And you're not a good teacher in self-defense," Joni said and turned to face him. "I'm sorry, but I am not learning anything here. Except that this seems to excite you," he said, glancing down at his boyfriend's crotch and then back up with a grin.

"I was coming down to better means..." Misha muttered. "You attack me and I'll demonstrate what you should do," he said. Joni moved closer and kissed him.

"I'm lacking the ability to concentrate now," Joni whispered. "Teach me later," he added and slowly pushed Misha towards his bed until the blond sat down on it and Joni moved to straddle his thighs.

"Will you promise to concentrate later?" Misha asked suddenly slightly out of breath as his hands moved slowly down on Joni's back.

"Yes," Joni whispered, kissing the blond again, slowly starting to rock his hips against his. "I promise," he added. He knew that Misha still worried about Chris, just like his dad did and he knew he too would be restless when the actual date of Chris' release would draw closer, but that was still months away and he still desperately wanted to hold on to the thought that Chris had given up.

He didn't want to think of his ex, he wanted to concentrate on Misha and their slowly improving sex life. Surely his boyfriend couldn't complain about that. So that Saturday afternoon instead of continuing the self-defense practice they ended up humping each other on Misha's bed. Yes, Misha definitely couldn't complain.

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