5. Mr. Wondrous Hands

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The others left the gaming area, some groaning, some snickering, Ivo giving Misha a congratulatory pat on his back.

And Joni glared at him, he hated losing, especially now when knowing what it meant, losing to Misha. He crossed his arms over his chest, sulking about his misfortune.

"No, I'm not ready, but I don't have a choice, do I?" he groaned and took a sip of his drink.

"No, I don't think you have," Misha chuckled, taking slow sips of his drink, and giving Joni a meaningful look. "At the beginning... you're to call me a master, for the rest of the night. Got it, slave?"

Joni merely snorted at his words and looked away, like hell he was going to call Misha his master, like hell he would call anyone as such!

"Ohh, I forgot, if my slave gets disobedient, he gets punished," Misha snickered, already having fun with thinking of an impromptu punishment, something that wouldn't hurt his slave but would feel humiliating. "So as a punishment ..." He looked up to the ceiling as if he was trying to find his answer from there. Then, the idea came to him, he looked at the dark-haired boy and grinned. "You are to go to Ivo and tell him about your... first sexual experience. And I will check it." He warned him.

"Excuse me? Are you out of your mind?" Joni stared at him, "how would you even check it?"

"I'm going to ask him word for word what you told him and believe me, he IS going to retell it so if I don't get a story from him ... I'll think of something less pleasant. Now, SLAVE," Misha pulled him up from the floor and pushed him towards Ivo. "Go and tell him the story!" Misha didn't even care if it was a true story, he just wanted to see Ivo's shocked face. "With juicy details, if you please," he added.

Joni couldn't believe that bastard! He glared at him, as spitefully as he could manage, hoping that for once looks could kill. But it was of no use, he was pushed towards Ivo, who now was looking expectantly at him. Joni gave Misha another death glare from over his shoulder, before looking back at Ivo. Who smiled, cocking his eyebrow expectantly.

"Hm, well, I lost and so I need to tell you..." Joni started, again looking back at Misha, who had folded his arms over his chest, looking at him in a way that said; oh you better do it, or else! And Joni started to think that maybe THIS wasn't so bad, after all, the man could be crazy enough to think something horrid, couldn't he? So, giving in, Joni sighed.

"So, I was fourteen," Joni rolled his eyes, feeling embarrassed, not looking at Ivo's face. "And... it was...uh... my cousin's friend! Ok so, we were at a cabin, my cousin was asleep, I was awake, and he was awake and we... gave each other handjobs, his name was Timo, he was a year older, and it was great! So there, now you know, bye!" And with that Joni quickly fled into the kitchen.

Misha looked at his brother's expression; less than half shocked, followed by about of laughter. He guessed that Joni had told him the story and it must have been either hilarious or said in such a way as to sound hilarious. Misha approached his brother.

"Ok, so how was it, his first sexual experience?" He asked him with a smirk.

Ivo shook his head, with a grin on his face.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asked. "Well, he was fourteen, at a cabin, cousin's friend, a year older, called Timo, gave each other handjobs." He repeated, still feeling amused.

Misha opened his mouth with surprise, it had worked! And the story...It wasn't that hilarious, but to be thinking of Joni's face...

"Yes, I'm really enjoying this, the brat's going to repent for his sins," Misha smirked once again, deciding to leave his newfound slave in peace for a while until he would come up with a new task for him.

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