66. There's no going back

182 19 147

Joni sat in front of the table, studying the lawyer who went through his papers. Tuomo Kangas was thirty-five years old, recommended by one of his father's associates. The man looked older than his thirty-five years, with grey hair on his temples and thick lines over his forehead. Joni was tempted to recommend a hair coloring, perhaps give him Jami's number, but maybe this wasn't the right place or the right time for that. 

Joni looked around the room. The legal books on the shelf, the pictures of the current and former presidents on the wall, diplomas, all very formal and... boring. It was peculiar weather outside that day. Most of the sky was dark blue, indicating an approaching storm, yet at the same time, the sun was still shining creating a warm, almost mystical, and fascinating light outside as it contrasted with the darkness.

Joni tapped his fingers over his thighs, feeling nervousness spread within. The lawyer cleared his throat, adjusted his glasses, and looked up at him from his papers. There was a smile forming on the man's face; gentle yet somehow awkward and Joni knew instantly that whatever the man was about to say next, he wouldn't like hearing it.

"The evidence against your former partner is quite solid, there's no doubt in my mind that he'll get sentenced to prison, and as for the deportation, I'm quite confident in that matter as well. Mr. Hanratty has been here on a work permit and the situation being what it is; his current employer is not willing to continue that contract..." The man sighed and removed his glasses settling them over the table and Joni followed his movements carefully; he could sense that the bad news would follow.

"How long a sentence might he get?" Joni asked carefully and the man was quiet for a moment, shifting his gaze briefly back to his papers as if the answers would be found in there.

"If I had to give my most realistic guess, I would say... around two to three years."

"Two to three years?" Joni couldn't help but repeat, "Only so little?"

"I don't want to get your hopes up, that's why I'm trying to give you as realistic answers as I can. The thing is, you've healed quite fast, your injuries didn't require intensive medical care and there is no permanent damage to your health. Also, Mr. Hanratty has no previous criminal record, so in the eyes of the law, he's been a model citizen up until now of course. Also, the fact that you have been in a relationship... Well, I'm sorry to say this but most likely it will be a factor to lessen the sentence. Of course, I will do my absolute best for this case."

Joni wasn't sure what to think, he felt upset and frightened. He knew how it usually worked, those sentenced as first-timers usually served only half of the actual sentence, so if Chris was given two to three years, he could be out in a year or a year and a half. And what if they wouldn't deport him? "So, basically... " he started in a hoarse voice, "because Chris didn't have enough time to kill me or do further damage, as I can assure you he would have had he not been interrupted," Joni swallowed and looked at the man in the eye. "He will serve less than two years and perhaps then he can come and finish the job? And I am just supposed to... What am I supposed to do? Wait and see what happens. Wait and hope he forgets and forgives me for being the cause of his sentence?"

"We'll file for a permanent restraining order, which I'm sure will be set."

Joni gritted his teeth, knowing what a small comfort that really was. Who could make sure Chris would stick to it? "There's also one other thing we need to discuss."

"More bad news?" Joni asked with a grim smile and the guilty look on the man's face told him the answer. "Go on."

"The pictures you mentioned, I'm afraid there's not much hope legally to receive them all."

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