4.Poker game

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It was Friday evening and Joni had just ended his date early. He could see from early on that it was going nowhere and decided that it was not worth it to waste his energy on him.

It was raining out, gloomy, and dark November evening. On his way home, he stopped at a nearby cafe, to keep himself from getting soaked having forgotten to take an umbrella with him.

When he headed toward the counter to get himself a coffee, he noticed a familiar face. It took him a moment to remember where he knew this person from, and then it hit him; Misha's friend, from the club!

After getting the cup of coffee he ordered, Joni casually made his way toward the man who was reading.

"Is this seat taken?" Joni asked boldly, and the other looked up at him. There was a passing confusion on his features before a clear recognition followed.

"No, please, sit down," the guy smiled politely. Smiling back, Joni did.

"Terrible weather out, isn't it?" he started the small talk, taking off his coat, and wiping the droplets of water from it.

"It is, yes," the still nameless guy nodded, watching him with curiosity. "I've never cared for this time of the year," he hesitantly continued.

"Indeed, I'm more of a spring and summer person myself," Joni smiled, taking the cup between his hands. "I'm Joni, by the way," he said before taking a careful sip.

"Yeah," the guy nodded, still staring at him with a somewhat dumb expression, before shaking his head with a small amusement of pacing out like that. "I'm Mikael," he smiled back. "Hm, I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?"

"Yes, and I've seen you too. You're Misha's friend." Joni grinned.

"Oh yes, you're a friend of his brother. I saw you at the club when..." Mikael stopped, "um, Misha found you in time?"

"Yes, but I had the situation under control," Joni lied. "You're still seeing him?" he asked, not seeing the reason to be less straightforward. Mikael gave a soft chuckle.

"Yes, I was supposed to meet him here, but he called to say that he's running a bit late."

"Hm well, then I can just keep you company until he arrives." To this, the guy smiled.

"I wouldn't mind," he said, looking at him in a certain way that almost made Joni laugh madly within; Misha's boyfriend was flirting with him!

"You look very familiar. I felt that way when I first saw you. Maybe we've met before too?" Mikael asked after some time. Joni leaned forward and smiled.

"Oh, I think I would remember," he grinned, "but you may have seen me. I'm a model, I've done some ads in magazines, and... One that was aired on TV this summer."

"Hm, interesting." Mikael tilted his head while observing him, leaning a bit closer to him. "Well, you certainly have the face and body for it," he grinned. Joni wondered if Misha knew how easy it would be to seduce his boyfriend; but on the other hand, it might be better for this guy. He might be greatly disappointed when finding that Misha would need a dildo to satisfy him.

"Thank you," Joni smiled almost shyly, pretending to be flattered by his comment.

"It's the truth," Mikael smirked, not taking his eyes off him.

"How long have you known Misha?" Joni asked after a small silence that felt awkward.

"Well, I've gone to the same school with him for over a year, but we only recently started going out, so no, we're not a couple yet."

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