11. Let the game begin

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It was 4 pm on Friday when Misha got home. The whole situation was getting out of hand concerning the brat! Instead of forgetting what happened, he kept thinking of him, and... it was driving him crazy! It was starting to interfere with his studies, too.

 So far, he had been able to separate his feelings from logic, but this... the brat had somehow managed to go too far! He was taking over and now, no matter how Misha wanted to deny it to himself, he couldn't. He was there, in his head! Making a mess out of him, which he hated! No one, especially such a brat should be allowed to mess up with him! He was snappy and moody, and he could see what a pain in the ass he had become in the last couple of days to his brothers, but he couldn't stop!

He wanted to get drunk and forget, but he was afraid that if he were to get drunk, he'd do something stupid. He walked into the kitchen and muttered his greeting to Ivo before going to the fridge to get himself a beer.

"Had a rough day?" Ivo inquired.

"Moderately, the test was quite tough, and they got us plenty of work to do." Misha shrugged and sat at the table, opening the bottle and taking a gulp of cold drink from it.

"Hm... you know what I think you need?" Ivo asked, getting himself a beer as well.

"Don't even start with the brat talk," Misha warned, to which Ivo shook his head, smiling a little.

"No, just forget about him, don't let it get to you, don't let him get to you. Go out, have fun with friends, and just," he sighed. "We're tired of watching you like this, me and Dima... And sulking in the house on Friday night, really Misha? That's what you call fun? This isn't you."

Misha hadn't expected this, Ivo wasn't trying to actively put him together with the brat. He realized that he wasn't himself, but then again, sleeping with the brat wasn't like him at all and he had done it! For some twisted reason, he had slept with him, and now for some fucking punishment he was unable to forget it!

"Maybe I'll try to relax, rent a film, spend a quiet evening in."

"Rent a film? spend a quiet evening at home?" Ivo repeated, raising his eyebrow. "Dear God, Misha, what happened to you?" he asked. "You know what I think about this? You want to stay home because you really can't forget about him, and that's just sad." 

It wasn't easy for Misha to try and be civil to his brother when he was rubbing salt into an open wound. "I can forget about him! Hell, I've already forgotten!" he yelled, knowing that he was lying all along.

"Then, why don't you go out and just have fun with your friends like you used to, maybe you'll end up meeting someone nice?" Ivo suggested.

Ivo's calm voice and his words made Misha calm down as well, it was just the behavior he should avoid, snapping for no reason and yelling and...

"Maybe," he huffed, taking another sip of his beer.

"Aw... you know you'll have fun," Ivo grinned at him, playfully shoving his arm. Misha was silent, thinking of Ivo's words, he was right, he might have fun, and he might even meet someone who would help him to forget the disaster brat.

"Hmm ... yup, I think I could go out."

"Good choice, now there's the brother I know and love." Ivo smiled at him innocently. Now all he needed to do was to find out where Misha would be going, without Misha knowing that he knew. How twisted? But he needed Misha to think that he was seriously wooing Joni, he needed to open Misha's eyes.


It was 6.30 pm when Joni got the call from Ivo, saying he'd pick him up at eight.

Joni started preparing, feeling nervous as he did so. Ivo was much older! Ivo had been fourteen when he had only been born, and... Joni shook his head, Ivo was also handsome, and... this would definitely annoy Misha. Then he felt confused, was he doing this for Misha or himself? He wasn't sure anymore.

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