50. Go and tell him!

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Chris watched Adam nervously, his fingers tapped the surface of the table. How much he wished he could have a smoke, just one, was it so much to ask?

"You are the only one I have left," he started. "And now, because of her you are going to abandon me as well." The tone was hurt, accusing.

Adam sighed. "I don't know what to do Chris," he whispered, resting his arms on the table. "I have to say I'm disappointed in you, for what you did."

Chris was silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say because he didn't want to lose his friend. "I know," he finally whispered. "Don't you think that I wouldn't be disappointed, or upset?" Adam raised his brow, waiting for him to continue. "I went too far, okay? It's just," He took a deep breath trying to control the anger he felt inside. "I've never... felt so strongly about someone like I did for Joni. I do love him whether you believe me or not. I love him so fucking much it hurts inside and the thought of losing him... Or the thought of me doing that to him," again he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't believe I did it... It's a dark place... It's like... something else is taking control, someone else that I can't stop... It scares me, Adam," He looked at his friend, eyes watering. "I'm scared, don't leave me... I need you, please!"

Adam wanted to believe him, wanted to believe that it was a sincere plea for help. How else could he see it? He had known Chris for what felt like forever and he wasn't evil, not a demon, just a person who did a bad thing, a mistake, and who needed help. Adam nodded stiffly. "Alright, alright," he said and glanced at the door before back at Chris. "So, you will confess everything?" he asked.

"I fought with Joni," Chris answered. "I did... hurt him and I regret it." Yet there still was a part of him that believed that his act was justified. Cheating had to be punished, but it was not what his friend wanted to hear and Chris knew that.

Adam nodded, feeling somewhat relieved. Chris regretted it was the first step and he could get better, couldn't he? If only Suvi would believe it as well.

"How is Joni?" Chris finally asked.

"Still recovering. I will go see him later," Adam replied and it was really why he had come to the city.

"He's with his parents?"

"You should not be asking this, you know that. "

"Why? Is it because he's somewhere else?"

"No, because you can't ever have contact with him again. It's unhealthy and Joni doesn't need it."

"They say I blackmailed him," Chris said suddenly. "My model boyfriend allowed me to photograph him nude. He was eighteen and willing. They have no right to go through my laptop and its files for such a reason."

"You do have those pictures?" Adam asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. Chris shrugged.

"Is it really important?"

"You did blackmail him with them? If so, then yes, it is important."

Chris tilted his head, silent for a moment. "I didn't blackmail him," he replied.

"Do you have pictures of him?" Adam asked tightly, a bit frustrated.

"Of course I do, I have many. After all, we were together for over two years." Adam gritted his teeth.

"Naked pictures, Chris?"

"Like I said he was eighteen, I dare say that many have naked pictures of their partners. Don't you have any on your wife?"

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