9. Your thoughtless words

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Misha's week had not been the best one in his life, though the hangover had passed fast, the moral hangover was far more complicated to pass. Surprisingly Ivo, whom he would have suspected to torture him with the brat talk, kept quiet. He had not mentioned Joni even with one word and it was weird.

Monday, at the uni, he talked with Mikael again and they decided to go to the club that night. Unnervingly enough, when dancing and kissing with Mikael, he just didn't feel the same. It was almost as if... his body was dead, not interested. And Misha didn't understand it, Mikael still had the same great ass, the same talented mouth, but... something was off.

They parted quite early, and Misha didn't even mention anything about another meeting, although he could see that Mikael had been expecting it and it made him feel guilty. But it would be the most stupid thing, trying to date when... not feeling the heat that he had felt previously.

When he returned home and lay in his bed, the darkness of the room surrounding him, trying to fall asleep and not replay the Saturday night over and over in his head, the answer to what was wrong came to him.

He had tried to date Mikael to forget about Joni. As if he mattered! It didn't matter, it was just sex, just one night of sex and... Misha remembered why he hated one-night stands with such passion, they sucked, they left a bitter taste and messed up his well-ordered life! And what was he doing? Trying to get over the brat? There was NOTHING to get over, nothing. With that conclusion he turned around, slowly drifting to sleep, to dreams where he again met with a certain brunet.

A week passed and there were no signs of the brat, and no one seemed to talk of him, not even Dima. Misha felt glad and yet... why couldn't he get over the fact that no one was mentioning him?

It was Wednesday afternoon, in a peacefully quiet house Misha began to prepare dinner. He couldn't enjoy the silence for long since in the middle of his cooking Dima came home bringing friends, his girlfriend, and... who else but the freaking brat! With, surprise, surprise; a friend of his own.

Dima walked into the kitchen first, his girlfriend following soon after. Joni stood at the doorway, with his 'friend', giving him only a glance before excusing himself in the living room. The other kid with him immediately followed like a loyal puppy.

"I wanted you to meet Eva," Dima smiled, his arm going around the short, pretty, brown-haired girl next to him.

"Nice to meet you, Eva," Misha forced himself to smile. He felt... nervous. Perhaps it was because he knew that most probably Dima had slept with her on the same night that he had... Well, he was not going there again! He was not going to think about him!

"Nice to meet you too, Dima's been telling me so much about you," Eva smiled, almost blushing. Perhaps she was more nervous than him.

"Are you going to go out?" He asked, not trying to hide that he was hopeful that they were.

"No, we're going to watch one film, would you like to join?" Dima asked.

"I've got plenty of work," Misha replied hurriedly, there was no way he'd join their company, not with the brat and his current boyfriend! Even if he would be rotting with boredom in his room, he was not going to join them. Joni would only think that he wanted to be with him or some other nonsense like that! "I'll just finish making the dinner and off I go to work!"

Ivo got home from work, he walked towards the kitchen and in the living room. He saw Joni with some other kid that sat right next to him. The boy's hand was on Joni's thigh, looking at him like some lovesick puppy while Joni looked nothing but bored.

"Hi Joni," Ivo greeted him and as soon as Joni was aware of his presence, his expression changed, and he smiled.


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