32. He's tough

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Joni had canceled their meeting, on the phone he had sounded weird, not like himself and Dima hadn't seen him online on messenger either for some days, It left him... worried.

It was Thursday when Dima got home early from work, Joni and Chris lived on his way, he had already passed their building when a nagging feeling suddenly made him turn around; something bothered him and he just felt like he needed to see Joni. 

Of course, he might have been sick, but he had seen him on Friday afternoon and... there had been no hints of illness and Linda who had been at the same fashion show with him hadn't seen ones either. 

On Sunday morning he had only gotten a message from Joni that he was sick and had to cancel their plan to meet, later Dima had called him, but ... the conversation had been short.

He made his way to their storey, stopped by their door, sighed, and rang the doorbell; it wasn't like him to pay unexpected visits, but this time...

Chris frowned when the doorbell rang, it was four pm, he looked at Joni who lay on the couch under a blanket, staring blankly at the tv screen.

"You fucking invited someone and didn't tell me?" he hissed, not liking this surprise; Joni's bruises were still visible.

Joni slowly sat up, nervous. "No, I didn't," he assured quickly. "I'll go see who it is, okay?" He was jumpy and nervous around Chris not wanting to make any wrong move that would make him blow up at him.

To make sure Joni wouldn't do anything stupid Chris followed him into the hall and waited.

Dima wondered if they were home, it seemed to take a long ... But finally, he heard the approaching footsteps and the door slowly opened.

"Oh, Dima? Hi..." Joni peeked at him before opening the door more, glancing over his shoulder.

Dima frowned; Joni's face was bruised... "Um hi, can I come in?" Joni nodded, his hand unconsciously touching and almost trying to cover his bruised cheek.

"Sure..." His voice was quiet, he smiled but... Dima started to take his jacket off and saw Chris.

"Hi Chris," he greeted; the man seemed slightly tense, but nodded and greeted him back. Joni on the other hand looked nervous and just odd; he was pale, wearing a college sweater that seemed too big for him and ... sweatpants... Dima had never seen him wear such an outfit before. Joni was very fashion sensed and this was just... so not like him. But on the other hand, in this bruised state... the outfit made sense. But why was Joni like this?

"What happened to you?" Dima asked worriedly. He didn't want to believe the first thought that crossed his mind, yet that thought refused to leave him.

"Um, I got robbed..." Joni replied; it was the first thing that got into his mind and perhaps would be believable enough.

"Perhaps you would like some coffee, Dima? And do come further in," Chris invited, his hand lowering on Joni's shoulder, "you should sit down and rest, love," he whispered and kissed his forehead gently.

Dima undressed his jacket watching the two, Joni almost looked a little bewildered, confused.

"Coffee, yes please," Dima answered, still looking worriedly at his friend. "Robbed, when?" 

"Perhaps you two should talk about this in the living room, Joni's still a little tired," Chris intervened.

"Of course," Dima nodded and followed the two.

"Remember Joni, I can still hear everything you say while in the kitchen," Chris leaned to whisper in his ear when Joni sat down on the couch, so quietly that Dima couldn't hear him. "So I'd consider those words wisely..." And then smiling gently again he brushed his cheek gently. "I'll be right with you," he added in a normal voice.

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