"Lex, I was angry with him. I didn't know things would've ended the way they did. I swear if I knew---."

"Stacey!" She snapped. "Leave my house, please."

"I will leave but before I do, please forgive me. I am really sorry for everything." Stacey said. 

"Angel, your mother is leaving." Lexie shouted. "Bye, my Angel." Lexie kissed her. 

"I'm sorry." Stacey whispered as they left Lexie's house. 

Stacey started driving her car and Angel wouldn't stop talking about how Tory cheated when they were playing games. 

'What happened to you?'  Those words played in Stacey's head. She refused to believe she changed, because to her, she will always be the Stacey, the little happy girl who never let what she went through change her like it changed Liam. But today after Lexie said those words, she started questioning herself. 

-   - -- -    - -- 

Liam opened his laptop to check the CCTV cameras at Stacey's house and Calum entered his cabin so he quickly closed his laptop. 

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked.

"Your sister is worried about you." Calum said. "Why don't you pick up her calls?"

"Argh!" He searched for his phone. "I think I left my phone at home."

"You never usually forget your phone so is everything fine?" Calum asked. 

"Yes, Shadow is also back." 

"And she has your phone now. So is that a good thing?" He asked and Liam nod his head. "I am glad you are fine."

"Is that all you came here for because I am really busy." Liam said. 

"I just want to ask an easy favor. Please call Lexie, her stress levels are high and I am sure if she heard your voice, it would calm her down."

"Calum you were there when she said I should leave her house and never bother her again. She literally begged me to stay away from her, she wishes I was dead so don't ask me to call her." 

"She regrets saying that, I swear."

"She doesn't. I know my sister." Liam said.

"Stop being stubborn Liam." Calum said. "Please check up on Lexie, do it for the baby." 

"Fine." Liam agreed. "I'll go check up on her."

"Thank you." Calum said as Liam walked out of the room. 

Liam entered his car and drove to Stacey's house. He gave up on killing her so he decided to just scare her away so she never betrays them again. 

He arrived at Stacey's house. He got out of his car and walked to her front door. He started banging on her door but no one answered so he decided to break in. 

He searched the house and found a letter addressed to him. 

Dear Liam 

The pain? That's the reason why you never wanted to be a father? I am sorry that the pain you went through is the reason why my daughter is without a father but I am happy you finally admit she is your daughter. I regret a lot of things in life but I will never regret having your daughter Angel.

I do forgive you, I forgive you for what happened that night and I hope you can forgive me for turning your sister against you. 

Stay Safe!

Goodbye, my Liam.

"She left?" He shook his head. He took the telephone and dialed Calum's number. "Did she tell you she was leaving?" Liam asked. 

"Who are you talking about?" Calum asked.


"No, she didn't." Calum replied and Liam hang up. 

Liam left the house and went straight to his house. He entered his house and was surprised to see the door open and some blood on the floor. 

"Shadow!" He shouted but no one answered. He picked up his phone from the table and saw the door leading to the room the Mayor was in, open. "Oh no." He panicked and ran to check the room. "Fuck!" He cussed looking at the blood on the floor. "Shadow!" He shouted but she was not in the house. "How the fuck did the mayor leave this house and where is Shadow?" 

He called Calum again. 

"Hey, I need you to send some men to search for Shadow." Liam said. 

"Is Shadow missing?" Calum asked. 

"Calum don't ask me questions. Just tell them to find Shadow and go after Stacey, before it's too late." Liam told him. 

"Liam, what is going on and where is Stacey?" 

"I think she's at the airport so find her and meet me at my sister's house." Liam said before disconnecting the call. 

He got in his car and drove to Lexie's house. He entered the house and ran upstairs. "Lex! Lexie!" He shouted but no one answered. "Lexie don't play games with me!" He said, searching her room. "Lexie!" He snapped, taking his gun out. "You want me to apologize or something?" He asked. "Lexie!" He shouted again, worried. 

"Uncle." Tory came running from his room. 

"Tory." Liam picked him up. "Where is your mother and why did she leave you alone?" 

"Mommy was talking to Aunt Stacey and after that, she was not happy anymore so she told me to play in my room the whole day." Tory said. 

"And your father?" Liam asked. 

"Daddy went somewhere because of work, mom said he is coming back soon." Tory replied. "Uncle, why do you have a gun?" 

"Oh." Liam quickly put it away. "It's a toy, I got it for a friend." He lied. "So did you hear someone else come in the house?" Tory shook his head. "Do you think mommy went out shopping?" Tory shook his head again. 

"Mommy never leaves me alone in the house, she always takes me with her when she goes shopping." Tory told him. 

Liam put the kid down. "Go to your room and stay there." He told Tory. 

Liam went downstairs. Tears were visible in his eyes. "The mayor definitely has Lexie but why did he choose her?" Liam cried. "He should've picked Stacey, Stacey is the one that deserves whatever he planned for Lexie." He grabbed the glass on the table and threw it across the room. "I should've killed him! Why didn't I kill him when I had the chance." He started breaking things. "I was stupid to think I could've kept him captive until I was ready to let go." He shook his head. "He has my sister! I can't let him harm her." He took his gun out. "I can't let him win. I can't be defeated. I can't let Derek win! I can't!" Liam pointed the gun at his head. "I can never let him win!" Before Liam can pull the trigger, Calum arrives and stops him. 

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Chapter 51 is out on inkitt.

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