🦋E p i l o g u e🦋

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The birth of the twins marked the dawning of a new era of superheroes who would help protect the planet. 

Kara and Oliver raised Mia and Tommy to the best of their capabilities whilst doing everything they could to protect Earth. They loved their children and they were some of the most spoilt kids ever. The media themselves gushed about how Oliver went from being a playboy to becoming a family man. Eventually, the kids gained their mother's powers but Oliver made sure that they were capable of wielding a bow and arrow as well as hand-to-hand combat.

Mia grew to look exactly like her mother except she had her father's emerald eyes. She was later on dubbed Green Star when she took to protecting Star City along with her team (let's be honest, she was a total daddy's girl). Her father's love for the city was passed on to her and she would defend it to hell. She later married Cait and Barry's son Bart who wooed her off her feet since they were lifelong friends. They had kids of their own and Oliver and Kara remained the ever-proud grandparents.

Tommy was a spitting image of his father with his mother's sapphire eyes and grew up stealing the hearts of everyone around him. He loved the attention and so moved to National City to protect the city his mother once looked after since he was especially close to her. He headed the QC offices there while his sister held the fort in Star City. He adopted the moniker of Spasitel which was Russian for Saviour. He fell in love and married Donna Troy (Wondergirl) as he was immediately taken by her strength, wits, courage and beauty. Those were some of the same qualities that had caused his father to fall for his mother decades ago.

Oliver and Kara loved the life they had built and eventually retired to a cosy island he had bought where they spent the rest of their days in peace. Knowing that the world was in safe hands, they could rest easy and passed away within days of each other after watching their family bloom for generations to come.

Then they spent eternity in the afterlife together.

I am so happy to have finally finished and honestly a little sad that this book has come to an end but I hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it. I love reading comments from you all and your support means the world to me. Who knows? Maybe I'll write another Superarrow book again. Thank you for taking the time to read Light and Darkness!


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