🦋Babies and Beginnings🦋

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Life continued as usual for Kara and Oliver. They thought that she wasn't pregnant yet because she would've started showing symptoms, but they weren't too disappointed because they knew the hardships that came with it. They were nothing but determined.

Oliver woke up to see Kara looking at some papers.

"Hey El'divia," he greeted.

She smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him, "hey!"

"What's that?" he asked as he leaned over to grab the glass of water, on their bedside table.

She smiled, "some paperwork I had to go over for CatCo."

He nodded before seeing her wince, she had gotten a paper cut and was holding her finger to stop the bleeding, "are you okay? That's just a-"

He stopped mid-sentence when he realized who he was talking to. It was Kara! She shouldn't be able to get a paper cut! They looked at each other in shock before Kara rushed to the bathroom to puke her guts out. Oliver rushed behind her to hold her hair back as she vomited.

"What's wrong with me?" she asked as she turned to Oliver who himself so lost.

They decided to make a trip to Central City. They had an inkling about what was going on but wanted to be 100% sure. There, the entire Team Flash was waiting and discussing something. They were a little surprised to see Oliver and Kara but greeted them nonetheless. Caitlin directed Kara to take a seat on the med-bay and she powered the red lamps just to be sure.

When she was sufficiently drained, Caitlin took a blood sample to run some tests. Oliver sat by Kara's bedside holding her hand tightly.

Barry then asked, "so what's new with you guys?"

"Nothing much," Kara answered, "just fighting bad guys."

Barry nodded, "we've been dealing with a lot too."

"Need some help? We would help anytime," Oliver asked.

"Thanks, Oliver," Barry smiled, "but we can handle it."

That's when Caitlin returned with a wide smile on her face, asking if she could talk with them in private, but they motioned her to speak.

"Congratulations," Caitlin smiled, "you're pregnant. You're going to have a baby!"

All hell broke loose.

Oliver hugged Kara tightly and kissed each other while tears streamed down their cheeks.

"Congrats guys," Barry wished, "I'm so happy for you."

Caitlin then stated that Kara should schedule a sonogram, but Kara meekly answered that none of that would work.

"Oh," Caitlin responded a little unsure what to say.

"I could ask Clark," Kara suggested, "he could check the Fortress and see if there's something that couldn't help you."

"Me?" Caitlin asked baffled.

"There's no one else we'd trust more than you, Alex and Lena," Oliver continued as Caitlin grinned.

"Sure," she nodded, "I'll get in touch with Alex and Lena and we could coordinate something."

Caitlin started babbling about things she needed and Oliver reassured her that she could buy anything she needed, he'd cover the costs. Barry smiled softly at his wife's ramblings. Maybe, in a few years when they were ready, they could have a family of their own. For now, he was glad to be the baby's cool uncle.

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