🦋Birthdays and Boys🦋

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Light smut warning towards the end.


Oliver sat in the Bunker lost in thought. He knew how much Dig and Felicity commented about his brooding, but it was a reflex. Something he did as a natural response to everything he had endured; he used it to reflect on his actions. Work at Queen Consolidated had been good. So far, the revenue had been increased drastically since he took over his family company. His mission was important to him, but the company was important too- it was a part of his family dynasty, his father's legacy. He was glad that he had brought some improvement despite dropping out of 4 schools.

His mind briefly wandered to a blue-eyed, super-powered, blonde Kryptonian.


He just couldn't seem to get her out of his head. He had seen her just a few months ago and yet the thought of her lingered like the criminal element that clung to Star City. It was irrational, yet he didn't want to stop thinking about her. He dreamed of her smooth skin and silky hair. The moments that they shared: the dance, the night of the Rehearsal Dinner. He managed to divulge some of his past to her and she didn't look at him with pity or judging eyes. She understood how he felt because from her story, she too had been through quite a bit of trauma. He couldn't imagine how it must have felt to lose her entire world at the young age of 13. Somehow, she still managed to be one of the brightest people in the room. Little Miss Sunshine. Her positivity reached a degree his never could.

He focused again, then remembered the date. September 22nd. It was her birthday!

"Shit," he realised he had forgotten.

He locked up for the night and stopped by one of the best bakeries in Star City and asked for a small pastry and a candle. He went home and changed into a white dress shirt and formal black trousers. He wanted to wear a semi-formal outfit- a suit would have been too much and he didn't want to look too casual.

Armed with Cisco's extrapolator thing, he opened a breach to National City.


Meanwhile, Kara Danvers sat comfortably on her couch under a blanket and ate ice cream as she watched her favourite musical: The Wizard of Oz. It was one of the first things her adoptive mother Eliza had shown her thinking that she would relate to the story of a young girl in a new world and she did. It was something she had watched at least a million times now and did so every time she needed some comfort.

Alex and the rest of her friends had already wished her in the morning, including Clark. They wanted to come celebrate with her later, but they all seemed to have had plans. Alex was on a mission with J'onn, Clark with Lois, Winn with Lyla and so on. She was pretty lonely, so she sat here alone. Not that she didn't mind it, the quiet let her think.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She used her x-ray vision and saw that it was...Oliver Queen? What was he doing here? They last saw each other was at Barry and Caitlin's wedding and the pair might have gotten close with him giving her a nickname. She too couldn't seem to forget about the emerald eyed archer who let her vent when she needed it the most. 

She quickly opened the door and he was holding out a chocolate pastry.

"Happy birthday El'divia," he greeted with a rare smile, "make a wish!"

She laughed and blew out the candle, beckoning him inside. 

"Thanks Oliver," she smiled as she took the pastry from his hands, "but what are you doing here?"

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