🦋Aunts and Arrivals🦋

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"Oh!" Alex gasped as she held Kara's left hand and observed the ring, "this is gorgeous!"

"I know right and must be so expensive," Lena gushed as she grabbed Kara's hand from Alex.

"It was Oliver's mother's ring," Kara explained, "his father used it to propose to his mother."

[Cue soppy noises from Lena and Alex]

Oliver wrapped his arms around Kara from behind before pressing a kiss to the top of Kara's head, "hey so I called everyone for tomorrow evening. The guest list is set and the party os the backyard."

"That's great," Kara smiled giddily at him, "thanks for doing it."

"Anything for you Kara," Oliver replied as he leaned down for a quick kiss, "I figured that with all the wedding planning Thea is forcing, you could use a break."

"It's like she's more excited for the wedding than we are," Kara teased as Oliver agreed.

"Hey! She is right here," Thea protested, "it's your wedding! It has to be perfect!"

"Sure," Oliver mumbled absentmindedly as he kissed Kara once more, not caring that they had an audience.

"Naw, you guys are sooo cute," Lena cooed and Oliver and Kara rolled their eyes, "now shoo, we have work to do."

Oliver shook his head fondly, but left after placing a chaste kiss on Kara's cheek. 

"So," Lena started, "what are you wearing for tomorrow and who all are coming?"

"Everyone, like all of our friends and family along with some of Oliver's business contacts, out of formality," Kara answered, "and Thea already got me the perfect black dress."

"Oh, I can't believe this is real!" Thea teared up a bit, "you're actually getting married."

"Stop it," Kara whined, although the threat wasn't very serious.

Kara's phone rang and she saw who it was. Clark. Did something happen?

"Hey cuz," Kara answered, "what's up?"

"Kara," Clark panted, "Lois is in labour. We're at Metropolis General Hospital. Get here as fast as you can. Oliver can come too."

"Right," Kara nodded as she abruptly stood up, "we'll be there right away."

"Everything okay?" asked Alex worriedly.

"Lois is having her baby," Kara responded, "I need to-"

"Go," Lena waved her off, "we'll plan the best engagement party ever."

"Thanks guys," Kara smiled and dashed to find Oliver.

She had the best, most supportive family ever. She sped down the hall into Oliver's home office who looked up abruptly from his laptop when he saw Kara enter. He was a bit worried looking at her very red face and the worry in her eyes.

"Woah El'divia, is everything alright?" Oliver questioned.

"Lois is in labour, we need to go," Kara managed to get out and Oliver nodded before packing everything up.

They opened a breach into Metropolis and exited into the back alley before making their way into the hospital.

"Hi can I help you?" the receptionist asked them politely.

"Yes," Kara rushed out, "I need to know the room number for a Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent. I'm their cousin. She is in labour and we need to see them."

"Of course," the receptionist replied as she began typing on her computer, "that's room 204."

"Thank you," Oliver said sincerely as he rushed after his fiancée already on a war path.

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