🦋Pregnancy and Problems🦋

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"Oliver Queen I swear to God!" Kara yelled.

"What did I do?" Oliver yelped at his wife's fury.

"I told you not to eat meat around me!" she roared, "it makes me nauseous and sick."

Oliver sighed. She was now seven months along and she was much larger than normal. That's when they'd detected two heartbeats. Yes, they were having twins and he nearly fainted at the prospect of that. Their genders were still a mystery due to the fact that you couldn't see through her body. They were healthy and that's all that mattered.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, her pregnancy hormones were off the charts.

She melted at his touch when he kissed her forehead and bent to kiss her very pregnant belly before stroking it lovingly. He sat her down and began massaging her aching feet. She sighed and seemed to relax.

"Do you want to talk about baby names?" she asked out of the blue.

Oliver pondered it over for a second, "I always wanted to name my daughter after my mother."

"Moira," Kara nodded, "how about Mia for short? It means little star in Kryptonian and it's something I always wanted to name my daughter."

Oliver smiled at that, "Moira Queen or Mia Queen for short. I like it."

"Well then," she looked down at her belly, "Moira Alura Queen and Mia for short."

"It's perfect. Short and sweet," Oliver stated before kissing his wife on her perfect lips.

"For a boy?" Kara questioned.

"I wanted to name it after Tommy," Oliver explained, "Thomas sounded nice. Tommy for short. He would have laughed at my sentimentality."

"Then it's settled," Kara said, "Moira Alura Queen for a girl and Thomas Robert Queen for a boy."

Oliver's eyes watered at that and he attacked Kara with kisses as she giggled under his affections as he whispered about how much he loved her.


Kara was enjoying the peace of the empty mansion when there was a sound from downstairs. She grabbed the gun that she kept for safety and hid somewhere. She quickly sent a 911 text to Oliver before hiding in one of the crevices that he had told her about. She heard someone arrive close to where she was and she shot the person. Twice. Right through the heart. The person dropped to the floor but her arm felt weird.

She looked down to see blood gushing out of a small wound. She was bleeding. She clasped down and put pressure like she had done so many times for so many other people. Suddenly she heard Oliver yelling her name and he halted before her.

The team were dealing with a new group of deadly assassins and they were absolutely brutal. They seemed young yet were so vicious. He was terrified when he got Kara's text and the entire team rushed to the sprawling mansion. 

He had a good guess as to where he'd find his wife. He had taught her about the hiding spots and found an assassin's dead body on the floor. Kara had her hand firmly clasped around her arm and blood was dripping from between his fingers.

His eyes widened and they opened a breach to Star City immediately. He knew that Caitlin was the only person who could help. Team Flash was surprised to see him in the least but turned white when they saw Kara bleeding.

Caitlin began barking orders and rushed her away to the med-bay. Oliver called everyone and within a few moments, Alex and Lena had arrived and assisted Caitlin with the removal of the bullet.

The trio emerged after a few moments and was happy to report that Kara was fine and resting. No harm seemed to have befallen the twins as well and Oliver let out a huge sigh of relief. He entered the med-bay and saw her sleeping.

He sat down beside her bed and bent down to kiss her belly feeling the twins kick slightly. Then he kissed Kara on her cheek. After almost a year, she still felt butterflies every time Oliver touched her and kissed her.

She squeezed his hand as a silent reassurance. He let out a deep breath he didn't even know he was holding. She motioned for him to join her on the bed and he did, albeit reluctantly. In his mind, he was already replaying the fight and figuring out how to defeat those troublesome creatures.

That's when Curtis came running in with some footage he had received. Kara was watching it as well and ignored Oliver when he asked her to look away. It played a video of the Assassins who were gunning for his head, they wanted retribution.

"Oh my God," Kara whispered.

She knew exactly who was behind this by the scar across the girl's eye. It was Mara Al Ghul, Talia's cousin. Ra's al Ghul had a brother Dusan Al Ghul and his daughter was Mara. Kara was horrified by the whole ordeal but didn't tell Oliver anything about it. She knew how dangerous they were and she didn't want them getting hurt.

Oliver turned off the video and insisted that Kara got some rest. She thought long and hard about where they could be hiding. It had to be the League's old safe house in Star City. Some things never changed.

She wanted to keep Oliver as far away from this as possible but she couldn't risk putting the twins in danger. She decided to tell him the truth.

"The old safe house," she mumbled.

"What?" Oliver turned around.

"The girl was Mara al Ghul, Talia's cousin. Ra's had a brother Dusan and Mara is his daughter," Kara explained, "they would be hiding in the old League hideout."

"How do know this?" Oliver asked perplexed.

Kara shrugged, "I know a lot of things. Bruce has had run-ins with them before."

"I'll deal with it," Oliver nodded.

"Wait!" Kara yelled, "you can't go alone. Take Flash or someone, please. These assassins are a lot worse and far more dangerous than anyone else. You can't go alone. Just please."

Oliver melted at his wife's pleading face and nodded before leaving to find Barry. Caitlin arrived after a few moments to keep Kara company because the stress wasn't good for any of them.

"So," Caitlin began, "how are you feeling?"

"A little stressed," Kara answered frankly, "I'm worried. The League of Shadows is nothing to mess with. They are ruthless and trained to be killers from childhood."

"That's horrible," Caitlin nodded, "but Barry and Oliver and the rest of the team are on it and they will be alright."

Kara sighed before she felt the twins kick and smiled, "they're kicking."

Caitlin placed her hand on her friend's belly and laughed a bit as she felt them kick.

"They must be very responsive to their Aunt Caity," Kara grinned and Caitlin laughed.

"Do you and Barry plan on having kids someday?" Kara questioned.

"Maybe," Cait answered, "I mean nothing is set in stone but we've both always loved to have a family of our own. Right now, things are tense so we've decided to wait. I've always just been worried about Frost and how it could affect the baby."

"Cait," Kara soothed while placing a hand on Cait's own, "you are one of the most incredible people I've met and so is Frost. I hold you both dear to my heart and so does Barry. Being superheroes, we never know what our lives are like and they can unexpectedly end. We can't afford to be scared of the what-ifs and need to focus on what matters the most."

Caitlin hugged Kara as she felt lighter for the first time in so long. It was nice to have someone who understood and she might just take Kara's advice.

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