🦋Labour and Longing🦋

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Kara and Oliver were sleeping peacefully in her bed. She was a few days below her eight-month mark and everybody was panicking because the baby could come at any time now. Kara felt some needle-like sensations near her abdomen but ignored them as she fell back into a slumber. She needed to pee real bad after a while and made a move to get out of bed.

Oliver was a pretty light sleeper and he woke up a few moments later when he felt her move slightly and was immediately concerned. He knew that he had been recently acting like a concerned mother hen but he was really worried. There were a million things that could go wrong and he never wanted anything to happen to his wife and his children.

"Where are you going?" he asked groggily.

"Bathroom," she grumbled, "damn babies are using my bladder like a squeeze-toy."

He got up to help her when there was suddenly liquid dripping down the legs and they looked at each other, eyes wide.

"My water broke," Kara announced and Oliver was still as a statue.

Only when she yelled at him to grab the bag and open a breach to S.T.A.R. Labs did he finally react. He forced himself to remember some of the breathing exercises that the League had taught him to prepare for this moment. He woke up his sister and Roy, telling them that Kara was in labour and they got into full baby mode.

Kara had called everyone. Thanks to the Project Watchtower, they had finished creating communication devices for everyone to stay in touch and she sent out a message that she was in labour. Everyone rushed to Central City.

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin was in full doctor mode when she found out that her best friend was in labour. Alex and Lena had arrived a few moments later and helped her prep the delivery room for the babies. Everyone had their own bets going on about the genders. Caitlin thought it was going to be two girls and Barry thought it was going to be two boys and the anticipation was killing everyone.

Kara had arrived with Oliver who helped her get settled in and comfortable, as comfortable as she could be right now. Pretty soon, the entire Justice League and their families were waiting outside. They had to place red-sun lamps in the room to ensure a safe birth and they wanted it to be as sterile as possible.

Kara was in a lot of pain at this point and it wasn't getting any prettier. Twelve hours had already passed and she wasn't fully dilated yet. Clark wanted to be there for his cousin but he would be affected by the red-sun lamps as well and it would be painful for him so Oliver just hung on as his wife squeezed the crap out of his hand.

All he could do was provide emotional support and he really hated seeing her in so much pain but knew that he'd get to see his children soon enough. At this point, he was unsure as to who he was reassuring.

"Alright Kara," Caitlin announced, "you've reached 10 cm and are fully dilated. You are now in active labour and need to push on the next contraction. You'll also need to push twice as hard since you're having twins."

The contraction hit and it was like cramps from hell, "I FUCKING HATE YOU OLIVER QUEEN. I SWEAR I'M NEVER LETTING YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN. YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

The rest heard the screams from outside and grimaced for the mother and father-to-be.

"I know El'divia," he whispered as he wiped her sweaty forehead, "you need to do this and you'll see our babies very soon. I promise."

She was full-on crying and screaming at this point before giving up, "I can't do this. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm not strong enough."

Oliver's heart broke at the sight, "yes you are my love. You are the strongest woman in the world and the perfect candidate to bring our child into our world."

Kara nodded and as per Caitlin's instructions, pushed with everything she had.

"The baby's crowning!" Lena yelled as Caitlin sat in position. 

In a whirlwind of a few minutes, Alex was holding a small baby after cutting the cord as Oliver and Kara were both crying at the sight.

"Congrats," Alex wished, "you have a healthy baby boy."

Their moment of bliss was interrupted by another contraction as Kara squeezed Oliver's hand again, "OW! OW! YOU MOTHERFU-"

"I need you to push some more Kara," Caitlin encouraged, "you need to see your next baby and they are excited to meet their parents."

A few more hellish moments of pushing and screaming later, their second child was born.

"A beautiful baby girl," Lena announced this time.

Oliver kissed Kara softly before telling her that she did so well. The trio cleaned the babies and turned on the yellow-sun lamps before handing the newborns to the parents. Kara and Oliver were completely enraptured by their children and laughed quietly. Caitlin, Lena and Alex left to give them some privacy.

"Look at them," Kara mumbled, "they look so precious."

"I know," Oliver replied as little Tommy wrapped his fingers around his father's thumb. Slowly, everyone was let in and the room was so overcrowded.

"So," Barry began, "what are you naming them?"

"We wanted to honour our families," Oliver answered as he held his son, "this little champ is Thomas Robert Queen or Tommy for short."

Everyone loved the heartwarming moment.

"And our little princess who already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger," Kara continued jokingly as Oliver shook his head, "is Moira Alura Queen or Mia for short."

"They are perfect," everyone gushed as they all slowly held the babies one by one under Oliver's careful supervision.

The only nervous one was little Damian Wayne. He didn't know how to react to the situation.

"Dami," Kara bent down softly towards them, "would you like to hold them. I'll help you."

He nodded slowly and Kara beckoned him to sit on the bed with her and she handed them to him carefully. His brothers were watching the situation with amusement and pretty sure Jason was recording it.

"Hello," he greeted his niece and nephew, "you're cute and tiny. I guess it's up to us to protect the two of you. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and protect you from all the dangers of this world."

Everyone awwed at the situation as Bruce wrapped an arm around Selina proudly. Kara's eyes were brimming with happiness at the scene. After that, Kara and Oliver informed them that they weren't choosing a particular Godmother or Godfather since they wanted everyone to be the twins' aunts and uncles and trusted everyone with their lives. They all appreciated it and knew that the babies would always be protected.

Everyone left the new family and the babies were fed and put to sleep. They enjoyed this little moment to themselves knowing that their lives had changed forever. Kara wished her family could see the perfection she had created and knew they would be proud. Kara fell asleep from the exhaustion as Oliver stayed vigilant over his family.

This was the start of something new.

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