🦋Christmas and Coming Home🦋

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Life moved on slowly for Kara since the departure of the love of her life. Christmas was around the corner and she was sadder than ever. She wanted to celebrate with Oliver- the man she loved. However, those plans had been squashed when he left to protect her and his family. She had even bought him a Christmas gift which was extremely hard for a guy who had everything. She came up with something thoughtful that he'd appreciate- she modified his bow using Kryptonian technology with Winn and Cisco's help.

"Hey Kara," Thea sighed coming up to where she was working.

"Speedy, hey," Kara smiled slightly.

Kara and Thea were very close and she was obviously affected by her brother's departure. She missed Oliver terribly and Kara did everything she could to cheer the girl up. She had promised Oliver that she would take care of Thea. She was the only reason everything wasn't falling apart even if she was breaking down inside.

"Kara," Thea started as she sat in front of her, "I want to go Christmas shopping later and I was thinking that we could decorate the house? The decorations are in the storage room and I can get them brought out for us."

"Of course Thea," Kara beamed, "that's an amazing idea. We can even bake Christmas cookies."

Thea visibly lightened at it, "yeah! It will be so much fun!"

Thea then left to get everything ready and Kara smiled at her elated expression. She turned to the picture of her and Oliver on her desk and sighed sadly.

"Please come home soon," Kara whispered as a silent tear fell down her cheek, "I miss you."


Kara, Thea and Roy were putting up decorations when Alex, J'onn, Lena, Winn and James knocked on the door.

"Are we expecting someone?" Roy asked confused.

Kara shrugged and when to check. When she used her x-ray vision, she squealed and opened the door.

Alex laughed, "we're here to help."

The trio welcomed everyone from National City warmly and they all started decorating together. There was an overall happy atmosphere as the friends laughed and joked. Everything was perfect, except someone who wasn't there.

"I'm going to get a refill," Kara giggled as she left to enter the kitchen.

Alex quietly followed Kara, as did Lena.

"Oh hey," Kara turned to them, "can I get you guys anything?"

"We're here to talk to you," Alex responded as Lena nodded.

Kara's face fell, she understood what the two of them were getting at.

"How are you really?" asked Lena.

"I miss him," Kara looked down, "he should have been here."

Alex and Lena pulled Kara in for a group hug as they comforted her in hushed whispers.

Kara finally pulled away, "so Lena? I noticed something between you and James? Are you two dating?"

Lena looked around nervously, "he asked me out and we are yet to go on a date, but..."

"Awww," Kara cooed, "pink cheeks, nervous eye contact, I think I've seen enough. I'm really happy for you."

"Really?" asked Lena.

Kara frowned, "of course Lena. I may have liked James once, but we're just friends now. Besides, I love Oliver and you're cute together."

"Stop it," Lena whined and they burst out laughing.

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