🦋Damned Souls and Deathstroke🦋

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Kara Danvers was many things: a hero, a reporter, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a girlfriend. Right now, her best friend, Lena Luthor, needed her. The duo were enjoying their regular brunch that they had. Kara and Lena always made quite the pair, whether it be as Supergirl and the CEO genius or simply when they brought people to justice.

"So," Kara began, "are you seeing anyone?"

Lena sighed, "not really and it's not like I'm really desperate for anyone Kara. I'm young and beautiful, I'm playing the field and enjoying being free and single for as long as possible."

Kara laughed, "but don't you feel lonely sometimes? I mean I remember when I used to wake up alone and when there was no one for me to come home to. I never liked it you know."

Lena paused, "yes, but I'm not pressured, I'm sure I'll find someone, some day. You do prove a point though. It's hard being a CEO and finding a significant other."

Kara smirked, "don't think I haven't seen you flirting with James."

Lena looked sheepish and blushed slightly, "I was just being friendly."

"Mhm," Kara hummed from behind her Bellini.

"Stop it," Lena whined and Kara burst out laughing.

"I'm happy," Kara replied, "James is a nice guy and I do approve of your taste, although I'm not sure about your family."

"That would be quite ironic," Lena said, "the half-sister of Lex Luthor dating Superman's best pal? That would be the scandal."

Kara then stated seriously, "If you want to take the plunge with James, I'm sure time will tell if it will be right. Maybe, you do need to take the chance."

"Maybe," Lena sighed, "right now, I'm going to focus on my career, need those new inventions for Supergirl."

Kara chuckled, "I've missed this. We should do this more often."

"Yeah me too," Lena smiled, "you're so taken with Oliver that I barely see you."

Kara gasped, "I'm not!"

"You are," Lena laughed, "how is lover boy?"

"He's good," Kara said giddily, "everything has been so perfect and I really don't want to ruin things between us. I mean, sometimes I feel like how have I ever lived without him? It's cheesy, but I feel like he's the one."

Lena smiled, happy for her best friend, "you two are made for each other. I've seen the gossip sites, you look like two lovesick puppies."

"We are not lovesick puppies," Kara protested with a small frown.

Lena grinned taking a sip of the Bellini, "sure."

Kara's phone then began to start ringing, "it's John," she excused herself and Kara nodded.

This = Kara; This = Diggle

Hey John! Is everything okay?

Kara..hey! It's Oliver.

Is everything okay? What happened?

Oliver bruised his leg while fighting and we're here at the Bunker.

I'm at brunch with Lena, but I'll be there as soon as possible.

Also, there is someone there you need to see.

What are you talking about?

It's best if you're there in person.

Be there soon.

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