🦋Expectations and Emotions🦋

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While Kara protested against it, Oliver made sure that she avoided any strenuous activity, especially her superhero duties. She was a little upset at first since she was fine, but Oliver was pretty adamant about her not going as he was scared that something could happen to her or their baby.

So Kara relented and took a temporary break from being Supergirl. However, she was getting bored pretty soon as she was pretty alone when everyone went on patrol. Oliver was most importantly working harder than ever to keep the streets clean and safe for their baby. This annoyed Kara a bit because she missed her husband. She understood how important being Green Arrow was to him and it was one of the many things she loved about him, but she appreciated it if he was home a little more.

She was feeling neglected and felt like she was the only one involved in their pregnancy. She just wished that he'd be around a little more. Soon the pregnancy hormones were affecting her actions and the small thoughts of doubt and insecurity crept into the corners of her mind. She soon started to cry herself to sleep and Oliver came home too late to see the evidence of the mental strain on his wife when he stayed out later than normal- sometimes he wouldn't come home at all, preferring to crash at the Bunker so as not to disturb her.

After two weeks, she'd had enough. She packed a duffel and left a note for Oliver before leaving for Smallville. She wanted to spend some time with her family and Smallville was the exact cosy and quiet environment to destress.

When Oliver returned late one night, he was surprised to find his bedroom empty. For a second, he feared the worst and expected Kara to be kidnapped, but he found the letter she had left for him and he was devastated.

 For a second, he feared the worst and expected Kara to be kidnapped, but he found the letter she had left for him and he was devastated

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He sat down on their bed which was cold and empty as the rest of the room. Some of her things were gone. A few tears appeared in his eyes which he desperately tried to hold back, but they just kept coming.

What had he done wrong?

He couldn't think of anything. He went downstairs to find his sister and when he asked her she glared at him and boy, if looks could kill, he would be six feet underground.

"Why do you think?" she spat, "day after day, you've left her alone. You don't even come home sometimes. She's carrying her child as well as yours and expects you to be present. She's probably sick of sleeping in her bed alone. I get that you're trying to protect your baby, but you're hurting her. She needs reassurance, she needs you beside her. She feels abandoned by you and you're destroying your family. She's under immense amounts of stress and that's not good for her or the baby."

Oliver hung his head in shame, this was never his intention, but he knew he hurt her.

"What should I do?" he asked desperately.

Thea scowled, "give her some space, then beg your ass off for her to come back."

That night neither Oliver nor Kara was able to sleep. Oliver lay in his bed regretting every decision he had made. He just wanted to make Star City a better place for them; instead, he just ended up hurting the very thing he wanted to protect. He couldn't lie in their bed pretending that nothing happened. The sheets felt restrictive and he was choking in his place. He kicked the cold sheets off (they were quite warm, but anything without Kara is cold) and went downstairs to sleep on the couch.

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