🦋Rogues and Reunions🦋

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I'm changing some things from the canon. Here, Snart never appears and Kara is the only one who could wield the spear.

Life seemed to fly by as Oliver and Kara's relationship had progressed. It had been three weeks since the two went on their first date and they couldn't be happier. A part of them still couldn't believe how easy it was to be with each other. I mean, they did have their disagreements, but it was starting to really feel like love at this point. They always felt happiest with the other. 

It was around 10 in the morning and the couple was enjoying coffee in Star City. Kara had stayed over at his place that day.

"A popcorn maker?" Oliver asked amused.

"Yes," Kara laughed, "now you know my darkest secret. Kara Danvers is afraid of a popcorn maker."

Oliver laughed with her, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to picture a 13 year-old you hiding under the table."

"It's not funny," Kara pouted, "the sound freaked me out."

"It's alright you know," Oliver smiled.

He leaned in across the table and gave her a small peck. In turn, she flashed him one of her dazzling smiles. Life was good, while the paparazzi never left them alone and they made headlines on every tabloid and gossip site, they could care less. They cared deeply for each other and that was what mattered- they didn't care who saw that.

Oliver wanted to tell Kara that he loved her, but he always felt like it was never the right time. As he was about to tell her that, his phone rang and he mentally cursed at whoever was calling him. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and answered without bothering to see the caller ID.

"Oliver Queen speaking," he answered.

"Ollie, it's me and I need your help."

"Sara?" Oliver asked in confusion and Kara looked up at him, no doubt listening in with her super-hearing.

He was surprised to hear from her, considering she was supposed to be travelling through time or whatever; he didn't want to deal with that headache.

"Yes, Ollie it's me," Sara replied, "I need you, your team and Kara to come to Central City now. We have an emergency."

"How did you kn-" he started as Sara cut him off.

"Oh Ollie," she chuckled, "I knew you and Kara got together. Gideon told us and we were in 1970."

"Of course," he rolled his eyes as Kara snickered.

"So?" Sara questioned.

"We'll be there in 15," he said disconnecting the call.

Kara nodded at him and they promptly exited the café. They made their way to the Bunker where the rest were all assembled, he already sent them a 911 text to meet there. Kara drifted off to make some phone calls to her sister, friends and bosses about her imminent absence. Oliver meanwhile explained to the rest that Sara was in Central City and needed their help. They were suiting up and Kara appeared a moment later, donned in full Supergirl regalia, minus her mask because they were going to see their friends.

Kara used her extrapolator and opened a breach. They all entered and were in a familiar surrounding. It was where they had all gathered the last time during the Dominator Invasion and Team Flash and the Legends were waiting for them.

They promptly said their hellos to the rest of the teams and exchanged quick conversation before Sara caught their attention.

"Okay," Sara started, "so there's a major crisis."

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