🦋Cousins and Cocktails🦋

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Time for the Clois wedding y'all

Kara was nervously wearing a traditional Kryptonian blue dress. She was waiting in the Fortress for Clark and Lois. She made sure everything was ready- Kryptonians exchanged marriage bracelets for the ceremony and the groom put a ring on the bride's index finger. Their parents had put all of that in their pods and Kara took the box with the House of El symbol on it, placing it on a pedestal.

That's when Kal and Lois entered. Lois was wearing a simple red dress, similar to Kara's and Kal was wearing a Kryptonian robe. They both smiled at her.

(I'm skipping the Kryptonian vows part because I'm saving that for Kara and Oliver😉)

Kal and Lois then exchanged the bracelets and Kal slipped the red ruby onto Lois' index finger. Red, blue and gold were the colours of the House of El so they decided on the red for Lois. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. May the countenance of Rao shine on you forever," Kara finally stated.

Kal and Lois shared a chaste kiss as I welcomed Lois into the family using the typical Kryptonian greeting.


Kara was dressed in a sparkly silver dress for the affair. She had her hair tied up in a sleek braided bun. She applied light makeup and simple silver heels.

Kara's dress:

She was standing beside Oliver in his regular black suit without a tie

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

She was standing beside Oliver in his regular black suit without a tie. They chatted with some of the guests: Diana, Bruce, Victor, Arthur, James and a few of their friends from work were also there.

"Clark, Lois," Kara exclaimed as she hugged both of them.

The both of them kissed Kara's cheek and then Clark shook Oliver's hand while Lois hugged Oliver gently and he pressed a kiss on her cheek.

"You look pretty Kara," Lois winked at her soon to be cousin-in-law.

"You're one to talk," Kara scoffed.

Lois was wearing a sparkly golden dress and had her hair gently curled. She grinned and thanked Kara for her comment.

"So how have you two been?" asked Clark.

"Well good," Kara smiled, "but no rest for the wicked."

"Yup," Oliver agreed, "we've just been really busy lately."

"I get it," Clark sighed, "it can be stressful, but it's worth it in the end."

"Not when Cat Grant is your boss," Kara muttered from behind the champagne glass.

Clark and Lois both winced a bit at that. They knew what a taskmaster Cat Grant could be, also she had a huge crush on Clark- it didn't help.

"She can be demanding," Lois placated, "but you've done well. We are very proud of you."

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