🦋Kryptonians and Killing🦋

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Samantha is not Reign here. Sorry, love her too much to do this.

After enjoying their wedded bliss, Kara and Oliver knew that at some point they had to return to their jobs. Nothing changed for them, in fact, they felt more content than they had ever been. 

Alas, nothing for them was ever easy. It all started when their was some weird Kryptonian symbol burnt on a football field. Oliver thought that it was someone just trying to trigger her, probably someone pissed off from Coville's cult. He let her handle it as he attended to the petty crimes in Star City.

He thought it was a good calm night when Felicity's frantic voice came over the comms, "Oliver! Oliver! Are you there?"

He frowned, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Diggle, Thea and Roy geared up behind him.

Felicity took a deep breath, "Oliver, something happened to Kara."

Oliver's heart dropped, "what happened to Kara?"

"Well," she paused.

"Tell me!" he roared and demanded.

"She was fighting that Kryptonian, Reign as it's called and news is showing she was defeated badly. That was an intense fight-" she rambled.

"Felicity," Oliver cut her off, "get to the point."

Oliver had no heart in talking mindlessly, his wife was in danger and he needed to know what happened before he went on rage that would have rivalled the Mirakuru itself.

"Alex called," Felicity whispered, "Kara is a coma."

Silence. There was a dead, absolute silence.

"Oliver," Diggle started hesitantly.

Oliver held up a hand, "stop. I need to go to National City."

"We're all going," Thea responded carefully.

"No," Oliver denied, "someone needs to stay back and protect Star."

"Rene, Dinah and Curtis can handle it," Felicity suggested and while Oliver was hesitant, he agreed.

Within seconds, they were prepared to breach to National when Slade entered the bunker.

"Slade?" Oliver questioned, "what are you doing here?"

Slade's expression was grim, "Alex called me kid...She's not doing well and neither is Kara. So, I'm coming with you."

Oliver paused for a moment before he nodded curtly and within seconds, they were in the DEO. There were guns raised at them for a moment, but they lowered when they realised who it was.

Alex came running to them, "Slade! Oliver! Thea! Roy! Dig! Felicity!"

Slade hugged her before sharing a small kiss. Winn came behind her looking distraught and exhausted, Felicity went to comfort him.

"Kara," Winn gasped, "she-I-she-I don't know-"

Felicity kissed him to shut him up and hugged him, "we're here."

He sank into her embrace, needing the comfort after seeing his best friend on her death bed. Alex then turned to Oliver who looked almost dead. She motioned for them to follow her and they followed as she entered the med-bay.

There lying on one of the beds was Kara hooked up to multiple machines. She was lifeless and didn't seem like she was helping even though the sun lamps were on full power.

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