🦋Love and Legions🦋

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Looks like there's going to be trouble in paradise. Someone's back...and people aren't happy.

Oliver was looking over some business proposals for Queen Consolidated at his home office when Kara excused herself to take a call from Alex. She re-entered the room and looked down at her phone confused.

"Has something happened?" asked Oliver in concern.

"Um," Kara sighed, "Alex called. Apparently, they found this ship? It was down by the waterfront, but get this- they detected no known metals."

"What?" Oliver questioned, "not even alien?"

"Not any of the known ones," Kara answered, "the DEO has deduced that it's from a different century."

"Like the Waverider?" Oliver tried.

"Far more advanced," Kara stated, "I need to go..."

"It's fine," Oliver smiled, "go save the world."

Kara rolled her eyes and kissed Oliver's cheek before she put on her suit and flew off. Oliver sighed and continued with his work having complete faith in Kara.

(Scene continues and cuts to when Kara sees Mon-El)

The person there was oddly familiar and when he stepped into the light and Kara could see him more clearly...

"Mon-El?" she gasped.


Alex reassured Kara that she'd get him checked out at the DEO along with some other people that had woken up. Kara nodded and returned to Star City. She was passing over the city when she heard something and changed her course. She flew down to the Bunker.

The elevator dinged and everybody looked up and put their weapons at a ready incase of an intruder, but it only revealed Kara in her suit. She had removed her mask and was coming out with a downcast expression and a nervous look on her face.

"Kara?" Oliver asked confused, "are you okay? I though you had gone to investigate the ship thing."

"Yeah, I was," Kara managed to stutter and her voice broke.

You could tell just by looking at her that she was trying to hold it together, but seemed to be failing miserably. She was seconds from cracking and breaking down. Oliver moved forward to bring her in his embrace and held her tightly against them.

"Kara," he spoke softly, not wanting to scare the already terrified girl, "hey! Hey! It's fine. You're safe. You need to tell me what happened El'divia, otherwise I don't know how to help you."

Kara took a few deep breaths to steady herself and Felicity brought her a glass of water to clear her throat and she thanked her profusely for it. After a few gulps of the cool water, she continued explaining what had happened.

"Remember that ship?" she asked Oliver and he nodded, "well there were bodies inside."

"What do you mean bodies?" Rene asked worriedly.

"Not dead bodies," Kara clarified, "they were very much alive, but one of them woke up and he tried to attack us, but we're clearly fine, when I saw him, I thought that he looked familiar," she rambled.

"Kara," Oliver cut her off, "get to the point."

"It's Mon-El," Kara whispered shakily, her eyes filling with tears, "he's back."

Oliver's eyes widened.


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