🦋Planning and Perfection🦋

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As you can tell from the gif, this is going to be a steamy chapter. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YA

The next morning, everyone was up and celebrating and why not? The younger Queen sibling was engaged and that seemed to be the headlines everywhere. Oliver was really happy because for once everything was going really well in his life- his sister was getting her happily ever after and he was going to have a baby with the woman he loved, his wife.

A rare smile creeped onto his face as he stared out the window of his room, observing the vast garden that stretched into the forest.

"All good?" asked a sleepy voice behind him.

He turned around to see his wife propped up on her hand staring at him with pure adoration in her half-lidded eyes.

"Perfect," he answered, "I didn't mean to wake you."

She shrugged, "it's okay as long as you get back into bed with me."

He smirked, "your wish is my command El'divia."

He slipped underneath the covers, and pulled Kara close to him as she rested her head on his chest and traced his scars involuntarily. He stroked her gold locks gently as they just revelled in each other's company. It was nice to have these peaceful mornings to themselves because they were so rare in their line of work.

"This is nice," he thought out loud.

"Yeah," Kara agreed, "I could stay here forever."

"Me too," Oliver sighed, "let's swear that no matter how busy our lives get, we will always spend some time alone in the mornings- just the two of us."

Kara chuckled, "you got yourself a deal Mr. Queen."

Oliver smiled, "it's what I'm best at Mrs. Queen."

Unfortunately, their bliss was interrupted by Kara's phone ringing. She frowned before moving to pick it up.

"Hey," she greeted to whoever was on the phone.

She stiffened slightly, then nodded and hummed. She looked panicked for a second and whispered an okay to whoever it was before saying her goodbye and disconnecting the call.

She frowned at Oliver, "I need to go to National-"

Oliver interrupted her with a brief kiss, "go get 'em Supergirl!"

Kara smiled brightly before quickly changing and dashing out of there. Oliver smiled fondly for a second before shaking his head and getting out of bed. He stretched before going to join Thea and Roy downstairs, only to find them making out aggressively.

Oliver groaned, "not on the couch."

Thea and Roy pulled away immediately with a panicked look and blushed slightly before fixing themselves up.

"Uh," Thea stammered, "w-where's Kara?"

Oliver shrugged, "she had to go to National for a mission."

They nodded and they left for the dining room where breakfast was spread for them.

"So," Thea started, "we want to have the wedding in eight months."

Oliver raised an eyebrow, "isn't it a little far off?"

"Not really," Thea elaborated, "we had the perfect venue in mind and that's when it's free- we want to get married there."

Oliver nodded, "whatever you want."

"We have a favour to ask," Roy then started.

Oliver motioned for him to continue, "Thea wanted you to walk her down the aisle and I wanted you to be my best man."

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