🦋Problems and Paradise🦋

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"What?" Oliver barked on the phone in the Bunker as Thea entered and some angry Russian yelling later, he cut the call.

"Woah! All good?" asked Thea.

"No," Oliver sighed as he sat down on one of the chairs there.

"Want to tell me what all that angry Russian yelling was about?" Thea prodded.

"It was Anatoly," Oliver answered.

"That Russian mob dude of yours?" Thea asked in shock.

"Yes," Oliver replied, "he needs my help."

"You're not Bratva anymore," Thea told him.

"I know," Oliver stood up and rubbed his face with his hands, "he's holding blackmail over me. He's threatened to release my identity if I don't help."

"What? He wouldn't," Thea gasped.

"He would," Oliver stated, "which is why I need to help him, but that's not the problem."

"Kara," Thea realised.

"I don't know how to break it to her," Oliver reluctantly shared, "I don't want to do this, but it will put a target on your back as well as Kara's. Kara can easily handle herself, but I don't want to take any chances."

"I understand," Thea whispered as she stepped closer to him, "and so will Kara. She loves and understands this part of your job. I'm sure she'll be fine, but will miss you."

"Thanks Speedy," Oliver muttered and the siblings hugged each other.

"I'm putting Diggle in charge of the team," Oliver started, "can I leave Queen Consolidated in your hands?"

"I can handle it brother," Thea rolled her eyes, "go find your girlfriend and break it to her."

"Wish me luck," he grumbled.

"It'll be fine," Thea reassured, "go now."


Oliver entered the building to see the receptionist who recognised him and sent him up. There, her assistant told him that she was in her office and free.

He knocked on the door, "hey El'divia."

Kara looked up from where she was typing something on her laptop and smiled on seeing Oliver, "hey Oliver, what brings you here?"

"I just came to visit my lovely girlfriend," Oliver spoke smoothly.

Kara cocked her head, "what did you do this time Ollie?"

Oliver sat down on the couch in her office as she stood up and sized him up. She looked gorgeous in a teal blazer, white shirt, teal pencil skirt and teal heels. It made it hard to focus on anything else, but her knew that he had to talk to her about it.

"There is a small problem," Oliver started, "you remember my Bratva buddy Anatoly?"

"Yes," Kara nodded as she sat next to him on the couch, "what about him?"

"Well" Oliver explained, "he asked for my help. I refused, naturally, but he said that he'd out my identity as the Green Arrow to the world if I didn't."

Kara bristled at that, "I mean that is serious. Are you sure?"

"I have to," Oliver looked down, "he didn't really give me much of a choice. If people find out about my identity as the Green Arrow, it could put people I care about in danger- you and Thea and Dig and Felicity and everyone else. I can't afford that."

Kara grabbed his hand, "I can handle myself, but yes, I get it. How long will you be going for?"

"I don't know," Oliver sheepishly replied and Kara's expression soured.

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