🦋Mothers and Moussaka🦋

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Time for Oliver to meet the fam y'all

Kara and Oliver were lounging at her apartment and eating takeout. Chinese, of course. Kara Danvers couldn't live without her potstickers. Between running a multibillion dollar company, being the Green Arrow and being forced to attend every major social event, Oliver wasn't really a movie buff, so when him and Kara became official, she forced him to watch almost every famous movie in existence. He wasn't a big fan of musicals, but watching Kara enjoy them, they seemed to have grown on him. 

Currently, they were having a Game of Thrones marathon when the doorbell rang. Kara frowned and turned to the door, there was a sight she wasn't expecting. Her mother was standing there with Alex. She paused the show.

Oliver noticed her expression and asked, "who's there?"

Kara opened her mouth to say something, but then instead said, "it's open."

Eliza Danvers stepped through the door with Alex trailing behind. Oliver observed the woman, he had seen her in some of pictures that Kara had hung around the apartment and deduced that she must be her foster mother. She was of average height, blonde and wore a kind smile and he had to remind himself that she wasn't Kara's real mother because their smiles were so alike.

"Eliza...hey," she mumbled awkwardly and blushed while sitting beside Oliver.

Eliza too was shocked for a second seeing the man in her apartment. Eliza wasn't stupid, she had seen the magazines and tabloids. That was Oliver Queen, Kara's new boyfriend and one of the richest people in Star City. She had talked to both Alex and Clark who gave her a positive response, although they were understandably a bit bitter about it. They had mentioned that he was willing to take care of Kara and that he was a hero himself. The Green Arrow. She had heard some rumours about him and didn't approve of his methods, but she decided to give him a fair chance for Kara because it was obvious that Kara was very fond of him

"Hi sweetheart...and Oliver I presume?" Eliza replied.

Oliver stood up from where he was sitting with Kara on the couch. He was wearing a grey sweater and casual jeans. 

He reached out his hand to introduce himself, "yes, Dr. Danvers. I'm Oliver Queen, the guy who loves your daughter, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Eliza shook his hand and offered a smallsmile, she understood that he was genuine, "it's nice to meet you too Oliver, please call me Eliza."

Kara then got up, "Eliza, why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted to surprise you dear," Eliza answered, "I'm sorry, I should have called."

Kara wanted to correct her, but Oliver interrupted her before she could say anything, "it's no problem at all Dr. Dan- Eliza. We were just hanging out, it was nice to finally meet you. I've heard great things about you."

If anything, Oliver was a smooth-talker, but his mother had drilled manners into him. He was taught to respond to any situation, usually with competitors or the rich and wealthy, but Eliza was Kara's adoptive mother and he knew he had to make a good impression. So far, she seemed to like him and he wanted to keep it that way.

Eliza smiled wider, "you too Oliver. From what Alex and Clark have told me, I have nothing to worry about."

Kara smiled at Eliza, silently pleased that they seemed to get along. She was a bit worried about them meeting since they literally came from different worlds. However, she had nothing to worry about- Eliza got along with almost everyone.

"Kara," Eliza admonished, "you can't keep eating takeout. You need proper food!"

Kara blushed, embarrassed, suddenly taking an interest in the floor. Oliver chuckled at her flushed expression and decided to relieve her, "I do cook for her occasionally."

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