Chapter 42 - Victim.

Comenzar desde el principio

Wrong idea. Cici heard the long click of a shotgun, and froze as she put her hands up.

"Chresanto?" Cici said silently.

"Wrong. Start walking towards the hut." The father growled as Cici kept her hands up, and started walking towards the hut.

Once Cici and the father got inside of the hut, he put the shotgun down and threw her onto the bed. He wrapped her hands up as he held Cici's wrist, and the boys grabbed some rope and tied her arms around. She started screaming loud and hollering at the top of her lungs, when the father grabbed the shotgun, and placed it on her nose. Cici froze as she looked at the barrell, then glared angrily up at the man.

"Do you think that I won't blow your head off, bitch!?" The father shouted.

"Do it then, you faggot ass old man!!" Cici yelled back, with the barrell to her face. 

"Pull down your pants, now." The old man growled. "The quicker this is, the quicker you can get back to your island."

"I can't do it when my fucking hands are tied up!" Cici shouted. The old man looked at his boys, then sighed.

"Untie her wrists for now, Caden."

Caden walked over to her, and slid the rope off of her wrists. Cici laid in the same position for a while, then leaned up a little to prepare taking off her pants. The mans balls were dangling in her way, so that was disgusting to her. Finally, an idea came to her mind. She reached for her zipper and began unzipping it, when she grabbed the mans nuts, and started squeezing the life out of them. She dug her nails deep into his balls as she looked him the eyes, and he started hollering at the top of his lungs.


Cici pushed him off of her as Jaden and Caden wrapped their arms around them. She elbowed them in their balls also, as they fell onto the ground. Cici made no hesitation, and she zipped out of the hut to escape. Outside, they heard her yelling "Help me! Help me!" But since she was so far away from the beach, we couldn't hear a word that she was saying.

"Shoot her! Go kill her before she gets to that island!" The father said as the boys grabbed their knives, and ran outside of the hut.

They ran out of there, and seen Cici jogging and hopping in the duct tape that was tied around her feet. She didn't get as far as they thought that she did.

"Aim your knife, Jaden!" Caden shouted. "Aim it!"

Jaden held his knife in the air, and shot it at Cici. The knife flew and stabbed her through the back, causing her to fall. The boys paused for a minute and waited for her to move, but she stayed stiff. Jaden and Caden walked over to her, and stood over her. Her eyes were closed, and she laid on her stomach. The knife, was still lodged in her back. Jaden kneeled over her back, and prepared to snatch the knife out of her back when Caden stopped him.

"Jaden, don't!" Caden said loudly. "Do it over by the beach!"

"Why?" Jaden growled.

"Because. If we do it over there, they'll think that she was ate by a tiger." Caden nodded as Jaden glanced over by the beach, and nodded his head in agreement.

"Good idea. But make sure we don't touch anybody else on the beach." Jaden said.

 Caden and Jaden carried her by her arms and legs, and placed her next to me where she would've been sleeping. There, he snatched the knife out of her back, which killed her. Her blood began to soak up the sand a little, then they dragged her a little closer to the woods while they smooshed fruit to support their lie. Once they got to the rocky mountain, they carried her by her legs and arms, and placed her into the ocean waters as she started floating away, never to be seen again.

Adrianne never knew why the scars were on his balls, but that was a memory that Cici left.

During day 1,060, we all continued to search for Cici, but once again came up empty handed. Adrianne sat on the beach alone the whole entire day. We even offered if she wanted to eat dinner with us, and she refused. After we all got finished eating, we walked back to the beach at the end of day 1,060, and prepared for sleep. Jacob walked next to Adrianne, and sat next to her as he put his arms around his knees. Adrianne looked at him, then put on a fake smile as he smiled at her.

"Hey." Jacob smiled.

"Hey." Adrianne said in a shaky tone, smiling back at him.

"Can you come back in the woods for me? I have a surprise for you." Jacob cheered.

"Sure." Adrianne nodded.

Jacob took Adrianne's hand, and walked into the dark woods with her. Jacob walked her to the area that was near the cliff, and sat her down. He grabbed her hand, and sat next to her as he sat across from her. She looked at him nervously, as he cheesed at her.

"Adrianne, i'm sorry about yelling at you earlier." Jacob sighed. "I know how I am with Gia. I don't like people hurting her. The same thing goes for Lilyana."

"It's okay, Jacob." Adrianne smiled. "I just...I just want the best for her."

"Now, for your surprise......" Jacob smiled.

Jacob leaned close to her, and his smile faded into a blank expression as he closed his eyes, and started kissing her. Adrianne was uncomfortable as if she'd never had sex with him. Any other time, she wouldn't mind it. In fact, she usually craved it. But this time, she felt as if she was being raped. She thought about Gia screaming for someone to help her mother, and started shaking really bad as Jacob laid her down, and started kissing her. 

But Jacob noticed that she wasn't kissing or acting the same. He snatched his lips away from hers, then glanced at her in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah...i-i'm okay....." Adrianne nodded as tears fell down her face.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm just....i'm so happy that you're doing this for me." Adrianne smiled as Jacob smiled at her. He leaned in her left and smiled, then put a seductive look on his face.

"I was going to give you your son. Our son." Jacob whispered as he looked at her, and started kissing her again.

Jacob was doing nothing but doing the same things he always did when they had sex. Nothing but being gentle, soft, and a little bit controlling. Jacob was really into the kissing, but Adrianne wasn't. She squinted her eyes through the whole things, and it felt like Jacob was going to harrass her at any minute. Jacob slipped his hands from her waists, then slipped it up to her wrists to pin her down like he always did. This, set her off.

"Stop!" Adrianne screamed at the top of her lungs as she jumped up. She was panting extremely hard, and tears were streaming down her face. Jacob looked at her, then placed his left hand on her back.

"Adrianne, are you sure that you're alright-"

"Jacob just stop!" Adrianne shouted as she grabbed his wrist, and softly moved his arm away from her back. Jacob looked at her face then looked at his arm, then looked back up at her in a slightly angry look.

"Adrianne, did you think that I was going to rape you?" Jacob asked as he scrunched his eyebrows.

"Jacob, I just cant.." Adrianne said as she wiped her tears, and started walking to the beach. "I just can't do this. I can't....I can't..........I can't...."

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