Chapter 41 - Vanished.

Start from the beginning

"You heard me! In half like I said!"

"Dad, we cant just let them take half of the food we grew!" The first twin growled. "This is our place! Not theirs!"

" no no, boys. He's right." Their father sighed as they closed their eyes. "With all of the stuff we put them through, we deserve it. We're gonna let them split their food in half like we said."

"Man this is complete bullshit!" The first twin shouted as he made his way back to the hut.

"Jaden, he's gonna shoot you!" Caden said loudly.

"No fuck him! Fuck all of you!" Jaden growled as he looked at all of us, then turned back around to make his way towards the hut. "Taking our shit like you own us. We were here first! Not you guys!"

"Well, go on." Chresanto smiled as he looked at Caden and his father. Both men walked away slowly as we all jumped on Chresanto, and gave him a huge hug.

"And Chresanto, saves the day!!!" Janyra chanted as we all began to cheer.

We celebrated by eating massive amounts of fruits. (After cleaning them off.) We ate until we couldn't eat anymore, then we all went back to the beach to get some shut eye. However, me and Cici were unable to sleep for some reason. Even though Chresanto had the shotgun on lock, we were still worried about the men and what they were capable of. After all, they could have another gun, and blow all of our heads off at once.

"I can't go to sleep." Cici said lowly as she looked at me, still buried in the sand.

"Me neither." I said in a worried tone. "It just seems like they have more up their sleeve."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Cici said in a loud, but low tone. "I mean, that man was all angry about us taking his fruits at first, but now he's all of a sudden okay with it? I know that he's up to something."

"Well as long as Chresanto's here, he'll be a good protector and a lookout." I smiled. "I know that they're terrified of him."

"Yeah..." Cici nodded.

This, was the last conversation that I would ever have with Cici.

 Day 1,059 was one of those days that I added to the "never forgotten" list. This was the scariest day, which topped day 878 for me. [Even though I was buried alive.] Adrianne woke us all up, and told us to look at something that wasn't too far away from us. In fact, it was smack dab in the middle of where we were sleeping.

It was a large blood stain that was splattered in the middle, then some of the blood trailed and swirled off near the area were the food was. It was the most blood that i'd ever seen in my entire life.

"Holy shit!" I said out loud as I covered my mouth.

"Oh man.." Jacob said in shock as his eyes widened a little from the amount of blood. He head followed the long trail back to the woods as the blood stain faded and skipped a little.

"Alright. Alright everybody, calm down!" Nina said as she placed her hands up. "Everyone's here, right?"

"Yeah?" We all said.

However, we were completely wrong. Nina scanned all of us over and over, and didn't seem to find anyone missing. She squinted her eyes and thought as hard as she could, before she finally got her answer.

"Cici! Where's Cici?" Nina asked as we all looked around. 

"Oh no!" Adrianne said as she made her way towards the woods. "Cici! Cici!"

We all followed her and chanted "Cici" over and over again as we followed the blood trail. While we walked deeper near the food, we seen that a few of them were bit into, a few were smooshed, and a few were in the passage of her blood trail. When we got to the end of it, the blood trail stopped near the rocky mountain that looked similar to ours on our original island. However, there was no sign of her body at all. Not even a trace of her body. We all looked at each other, and came to one conclusion.

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