Chapter 283

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shen yu's heart is like a stone thrown in the calm lake, stirring up a wave.

the man's arms were hot, and shen yu leaned into the man's arms, and he could feel the violent heartbeat in his chest behind him.

a gentle kiss landed on the side of his face with a burning breath, and shen yu tilted his head to see the look of the man behind him.

his movements were stopped, and shang jun held him, his powerful arms tightly wrapped around him, leaving him to maintain only his initial movements.

another kiss fell.

this time it's lip-lining.

the breath trembled slightly, and the master's state of mind was not as relaxed as it appeared.

"is ah yu annoying?" shang junrin's voice was low and gentle, "like this, is ah yu disgusted?"

from the first time they met, what shang junrin wanted was to possess fiercely, but he knew how to be a qualified hunter and had enough patience to induce the immortals to take the initiative to fall into his arms.

at this moment, shang junrin's heart was worried, even if he was facing thousands of enemy troops and horses, he did not feel as nervous as he did now.

his movements seemed to be strong, but in fact, they left enough room for shen yu to resist, if the young man in his arms really did not want to, he would let go and slowly try to do it.

while probing, he watched the young man's reaction.

xu was nervous, and the young man's hand was on his arm that was hooped around the other's waist, but shang junrin did not feel the strength to push back.

the joy in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he could not help but do something even more excessive. <

one by one, the kisses landed on the side of the young man's face and neck, and he watched as the white skin of the young man exposed outside his clothes was stained red inch by inch.

shen yu did not answer his question, but how could his conniving attitude not be an answer? shang jun rin had a bottom in his heart.

the boulders hanging from my heart fell little by little.

"ah yu..." shang junrin buried his head in shen yu's neck and whispered softly.

shen yu was a little tickled by the breath sprayed between his breaths, and if shang junrin could see his eyes at this time, he would find that there was a rare confusion in the eyes of the youth.

"what is like?" shen yu did not understand.

"it's that i want to be with you all the time, i want to be close to you, if i leave you, i won't want to think about it..." a low and pleasant voice told the feelings in his heart, and shang jun rin longed to really have the youth in his arms at this moment.

but no.

he didn't know if being a little more intimate would arouse the antipathy of the immortals, and he couldn't bear the consequences of losing his beloved halfway through.

shang junrin knew that the immortals did not understand love, it was he who had a delusion and tried to pull the immortals who were not stained with red dust off the altar, and he did not expect shen yu to respond to anything from him, as long as he did not leave him.

he could restrain his desires for the rest of his life, as long as the immortals above the nine heavens would stay with him.

shen yu didn't know what was going on in the hearts of people behind him, he was thinking about shang junrin's words, to tell the truth, he didn't hate shang junrin's closeness, even if the other party didn't say hello and kissed him directly, he didn't have much feeling of being offended, he was just a little confused. <

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