Chapter 280

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shang jun rin blurted out the words of recognition, hard to stop the conversation, asked: "if so, ah yu is willing to accept?" the man's

dark eyes stared at the youth in front of him without blinking, those eyes were full of stars, the most beautiful eyes that shen yu had ever seen, and being watched by such a focused gaze, shen yu was rarely restrained.

he thought, would he?

such intimate contact...

in the script, the fox-eared youth and the minister went to wushan with the minister to share the clouds and rain, and outside the script, the xuanyi emperor looked attentive, and the white-clad youth was slightly distracted.

for a long time, just when shang junrin was about to break the silence, shen yu opened his mouth.

"if it wasn't the prime minister who saved the little fox demon's family, would he be willing to repay the favor in this way?"

"the little fox already admired the prime minister and was willing to do this." shang junrin replied.

shen yu thought about it.

shang jun rin touched the young man's head and explained, "they are all happy with each other, so they will repay the favor in this way, and if they change others, it may be another way of repaying the favor." the

only conscience left made shang jun rin tell the truth, although he was moved, he was unwilling to use such a method to leave shen yu, what he wanted was never a greedy sound.

shen yu seemed to understand and nodded, human love | love, he had never thought about it, since his birth, most of his time has been spent in a deep sleep, he knows very little about mortal dust, this time he appeared in the analysis of the mountain, it was the first time he took the initiative to walk into the red dust. <

"what happened to dahuan's drought?" remembering the reason why he was awakened, shen yu asked.

"some places have begun to rain one after another, but there are still some places, except for a light rain after the ceremony, and there is still no sign of rain."

originally, the capital was also affected by drought, after the appearance of shen yu, the capital has rained several times in succession, the drought has been resolved, as have several other places, but there are also some places where the drought has not been alleviated, such as the last place affected by the drought - qingzhou, the situation has not been improved.

shang junrin did not hide it, and told the truth one by one, and finally said: "ah yu don't have to worry, it is much better now than before." shen yu

looked down and pondered, vaguely feeling that something was wrong with the situation.

he was confident in his abilities, and after he cast the spell, it shouldn't be the result.

the news brought by the guoshi confirmed this conjecture.

"your majesty, the subject found a strange place in the qingzhou territory, and several disciples were damaged in it, and the disciples who escaped brought back a message that one of the sources of this year's great drought was in that place." in the imperial study, guoshi brought the latest news.

"qingzhou, if you remember correctly, the fiefdom of the king includes qingzhou, right?" shang jun's index finger tapped on the table, and his look was indistinguishable from anger.

"yes, half of the territory of qingzhou belongs to the fiefdom of the king, and that place is within the fiefdom of the king, not only that, but the subject also got a message from the fang people that some missing girls have a clue that they went there." <

lord fang nodded, "that's exactly the case, your majesty, if it weren't for the guoshi's disciples who had an accident there, the minister wouldn't have been able to find these clues."

shang jun narrowed his eyes, "fang jun, you have been specially ordered to lead a hidden dragon guard to qingzhou, and you are determined to investigate this matter clearly." "

subject, take the lead."

"in this matter, the labor division continues to bother." when it comes to non-human factors, only cultivators like guoshi can solve it, and shang junrin has always known how to know how to use people well.

after returning to the palace, shang junrin told shen yu about the progress of this matter.

"the day i woke up from a deep sleep, i felt that this drought was something unusual." shen yu listened and opened his mouth.

"ah yu is also the result of divination?" shang jun was curious.

"no divination, just a kind of induction in the underworld, the gods communicate with heaven and earth, you can perceive some heavenly opportunities, but this drought is indeed a disaster that dahuan should have, involving the fortunes of the country, it cannot be easily perceived."

shang jun was awe-struck, no wonder that for so long, the guoshi had divined several times, but he had not divined the exact answer.

guoshi had been a little anxious lately, not because of the qingzhou affair, but because of another order from shang junrin.

looking through the classics, the guoshi have not found a way to leave the immortals, which is not surprising, the world's attitude towards the immortals is nothing more than belief or disbelief, who would move such a rebellious thought, just to imprison the immortals around?

the movement of the guoshi mansion was transmitted back to the palace by the spies who had been hiding very deeply.

"is there really a god in this world?" iin the study, the king asked xu daochang, who was dressed in a daoist robe immortal wind dao bone.

xu daochang: "naturally there is, has your highness forgotten, qingzhou has." leaving the king: "the emperor asked

the guoshi to find a way to imprison the immortals, is it difficult to believe that the miracle on the mountain was really brought by the immortals?" was the person he secretly brought back to the palace not a forbidden but an immortal? xu

daochang: "if so, wang ye, isn't this our chance?" departing

from the king: "what do you say?"

xu daochang: "wang ye, you think, there is no way for the guoshi, but the poor dao has ah, it just so happens that qingzhou has not lasted long, and now sending a new god to the door is not a good thing for us?" "

having said that, how can you be sure that the immortal can be driven by us?" besides, in the hands of this king's good imperial brother, we can't even meet each other..."

xu daochang: "the emperor did not tell the world about this matter, but concealed the news of the immortals. what is the immortal of the hall, but was imprisoned in the deep palace by the mortal emperor? "

in this way, the king thought of meeting with the immortal first, and the rest depended on the dao chief." xu

daochang: "wang ye is assured." no

one knew about the conspiracy between the two, and shen yu was a little concerned about qingzhou's affairs, so he proposed to go to qingzhou with shang junrin to see it.

"shuo has already sent someone to go, can ah yu and shuo wait for the result together?" shang junrin did not want shen yu to leave at this time, and now he regretted what he had told shen yu qingzhou.

"i'll be back soon." ffor immortals, coming and going is just a matter of a beard.

of course, shang junrin knew, but he didn't want shen yu to leave, he was afraid that after the other party left, he didn't feel the need to come back. if shen yu didn't come back, what would he do? the world is so big, where can he go to get people back?

for the first time, shang junrin felt the weakness of being a mortal, how could he be an emperor, if shen yu really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop it.

he should lock people up in a place where only he can see, so that he only has himself in his eyes and heart... suppressing the dark emotions in his heart, shang jun said in a deep voice, "i will go with you." "no

need..." seeing the determined expression on the man's face, shen yu swallowed the words of refusal.

shang junrin went on a private tour this time, and the matter of the dprk was handed over to cheng xiang and others, and together with shen yu, secretly went to qingzhou.

when the guoshi who was far away in qingzhou received the news, shang junrin had already taken shen yu to the vicinity of qingzhou.

"how could your majesty be so foolish?" lord fang was unaware of the existence of the immortals, and he often did not understand his majesty's personal involvement.

"your majesty has chosen to come here in person, and naturally there is a reason for his majesty." with the presence of immortals, guoshi was not worried about his majesty's safety.

in order not to attract attention, shen yu turned a white hair into black and changed into the clothes prepared by shang junrin, adding a hint of human fireworks, like a family prince who was raised from a small child to a big family.

when he met guoshi and others, looking at a black-haired young man dressed in blue brocade and with shang junrin's posture, guoshi was surprised in his heart. <

ever since he knew his majesty's thoughts, guoshi had always been worried about the day when the immortals would be overwhelmed, and now watching the two get along, it seemed that he was worried.

qingzhou thorn shi cheng was afraid to come to meet the driver, knowing the true identity of shang junrin, he did not dare to have any slackness.

"i've seen adults." qingzhou thorn shi was told in advance that shang junrin had come to hide his identity and did not reveal his identity.

"you don't have to make a big fuss, just do it."

since shang junrin had personally come over, the progress on this side must be questioned, shen yu was not interested in these, and after finishing his meal, he would be taken down by the next person to rest.

passing through the garden, shen yu stopped.

the garden here is certainly not as good as the royal garden, but it can be seen that it has been carefully taken care of by the owner, and the flowers are competing to open, which is full of vitality.

"these are planted by madame," explained the lady who saw him interested and led the way, "madame likes to take care of these, and the old man went around looking for flowers and seeds to come back..."

"can i go and see them?"

"the prince is a distinguished guest, of course."

shen yu walked into the garden, the rich fragrance of flowers came to his nose, all kinds of plants stretched out their bodies, shen yu could feel that they were treated carefully.

"miss, you slow down—"

passing around the corner, a small ball suddenly appeared from another road and hit shen yu's leg. <

shen yu held the child up, and the child looked up, saw shen yu, and exclaimed, "it's a beautiful brother!" at

this time, ya gui rushed over and looked at the young lady who was lying next to shen yu, and she was overwhelmed.

"i want to play with my pretty brother for a while."

she looked at shen yu as if pleading for help.

the lady who followed shen yu introduced herself in a loud voice: "at this time, the second lady in the house is more lively, and the prince forgives." this was

a distinguished guest whom lord thorn shi had specially given to be entertained, and he did not dare to have any slackness.


xiao tuanzi was about four or five years old, and indeed very active, chattering with shen yu non-stop, and shen yu was not bored until mrs. shi shi came, and only took people away.

"can i play with my beautiful brother next time?"

being watched by the small tuanzi's sparkling eyes, shen yu couldn't bear to refuse.

after getting a response, xiao tuanzi was satisfied to go back with mrs. shi.

in the evening, shang junrin returned to the courtyard.

"i heard that the little daughter of qingzhou thorn history is pestering you to play today, if you don't like it, you can ignore it." what happened around shen yu, someone would tell shang junrin at the first time.

"she's cute." <

early the next morning, a small guest was welcomed in the courtyard.

"pretty brother, i'm here to play with you!"

the crisp voice belonging to the child broke the tranquility of the small courtyard, shen yu pushed the door out, and before he could speak, shang junrin, who came out after him, asked: "is this the child who is pestering you?"

shang junrin looked down at the child in front of him, xiao tuanzi was wearing a festive red dress, with two small tugs on the top of his head, his eyes were clear, and he was a very pleasing child.

of course, for shang junrin, no matter how pleasing he was, if he was disturbed to get along with shen yu, he would become unpleasant.

the man was tall, and the pressure was too strong for a small group of people under five years old.

xiao tuanzi looked up at shang junrin, who was blocking between himself and shen yu, and skimmed his lips: "i came to find a beautiful brother." shen yu bypassed

shang junrin and led the small tuanzi aside: "why did you come here so early?" "i'll

have to read with my husband later, so i can only come to my beautiful brother to play for a while." the small group has a lot to ask.

shen yu took the small dumplings to the stone table and sat down, and took out the small snacks he had brought from the capital: "do you want to eat a little?"

"yes," xiao tuanzi looked at shen yu and the tall man who followed him with dark eyes, "are the beautiful brother and this big brother also husband and wife?" "why

do you say that?" shen yu's men moved.

"i have seen oh, when i got off the carriage yesterday, the eldest brother helped the beautiful brother, when eating, he would give the beautiful brother a dish, you still live in a house, my father and mother are the same, my father told me that only husband and wife can live in one room." 」

"did my mother say that you can't reveal your identity because your family doesn't agree with you being together?" xiao tuanzi put his hands on his chin and sighed like an adult, "pretty brother rest assured, i will not tell anyone that you are here!" 

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