Chapter 4- I'm in America!?

Start from the beginning

The one with the large horns sniffed the air looking for it's next meal, suddenly it senses went beserk as it smelled something or someone so intoxicating it ran toward it in a dash, the sword demon killed the bug looking demon as having smelled the same thing as the horned demon it ran behind

Izuku POV-
I was eating my food as I wondered what my former family was doing, he was pretty sure they wouldn't know he was gone for a couple of weeks as he had stayed out late multiple times before, he finished his dinner as he was about ready to go to sleep as just then a demon with 2 large horns appeared right behind him as it went for a slash to his back, izuku's new instincts kicked in as he dodged the incoming claw,

"Whew that was a close one, gotta admit you almost had me there"

The demon frustrated brought his hands up as it began casting a spell as two small portals opened up beside him as they started to shoot blood as the teen as of it were bullets.

"What the hell are you?"

Deku managed to dodge some of them though one hit him in his arm as just then a katana was thrown at izuku as he managed to dodge just in time,

"Where the hell did you come from?"

Deku surveyed the area as he saw that the sword demon had summoned it's sword back, he was getting ready to fight as he saw that the horned demon was leaving himself open as he ran forwards and punched it in the stomach sending it back quite a bit, the sword demon seeing his opportunity to attack, struck izuku in the back as a large gash appeared on his back

The sword demon thought he could relax as he saw deku fall to the ground, the sword demon along with the horned demon went to eat his flesh as just then a devilish aura emerged from izuku as before either demon could react their feet were torn off as both demons fell on the ground, izuku looked at the sword demon as he saw that it was in fear,deku's eyes glowed bright red as he appeared right Infront of the sword demon as he ripped it's head off,

Deku picked up the katana the demon had as the blade turned pure white, deku looked at the horned demon as it was in fear trying to crawl away from him, deku walked towards it slowly as he raised the blade above his head as he said

"I don't know what you are or what you want from me, but remember my face for it's the last thing you'll ever see"

The demon looking terrified could only say one thing,

"S p a r d a"

The moment deku sliced the demon in half it fused into the blade in a vortex, the blade turned red, the vortex got stronger as eventually deku got sucked into it,

Three Days later-
A massive headache had hit the white haired teen as he woke up, he saw that he was in an office as a white haired man with a red coat entered as he had a pizza box in his hand

Three Days later-A massive headache had hit the white haired teen as he woke up, he saw that he was in an office as a white haired man with a red coat entered as he had a pizza box in his hand

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"Oh! Was wondering when you'd wake up"

Deku having his headache calm down saw that the man spoke English as he responded as best as he could

"Umm who are you Mr..." The teen asked

"Dante At your service and cut the formal crap"

"Ok... May I ask where I am?"

"Your at Devil may cry"

"And that is where?"
Deku asked with a confused look

"Slum city in America"
The man said casually as he ate his pizza

"I'm in America!!? What the hell did that did that thing do to me?"

"Thing?" Dante asked curiously

"Before this I was in Japan, I had run away to a abandoned town in a nearby forest and got attacked by 3 monsters, I managed to take them out though" deku responded

"Why did you run away?" Dante asked

"Let's just say, my folks aren't the best people"

Hmm, Dante stroked his chin as he went to a shelf and grabbed a book with ancient text, he sat next to deku as he turned to a page with a monster that looked exactly like what had attacked him

"That's what attacked me that night!" Deku said in shock

"You killed a caster demon? Even if their bodies are weak it's hard for even people with quirks to damage them" Dante explained

"Wait, demon?" Deku asked confused

"Yeah, this thing ain't exactly human, but still how'd you kill it? You must have a pretty baller quirk huh"

Deku contemplated on telling Dante he's quirkless considering quirkless people don't get treated as well as he decided he would tell him either ways, after all Dante had saved him

"I'm actually quirkless"

"Cool me too, but if that's the case how'd you take it out?" Dante asked

"Wait your quirkless!?"

"Yeah so? also tell me how you took those demons out?"

"I don't know? there was another one with it, it had a katana and after it had struck my back, everything faded to black and the last words I heard were power and I guess you found me" the teen responded

Dante in his head thought
"power... why does this kid remind of hi-, no time to think about that now" Dante spoke as he said

"You mean that sword over there?" Dante pointed to the wall as the sword glowed when deku looked at it

"You mean that sword over there?" Dante pointed to the wall as the sword glowed when deku looked at it

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"How th-"

"When I found you in that demons nest and you had this in your hand, so I brought it with me" Dante responded

"Demons nest?"

"I'll tell you later but wait here till a friend of mine gets here, she could tell us if you're human or not" Dante responded

"What? Nevermind I'll save that topic for later, but I still don't have a place to stay" deku asked

"You can stay here, we got plenty of room and besides your not the first stray we've kept here" Dante responded

Deku bowed in thanks as Dante tried to stop him from doing so

"Like I said, cut the formal crap out" Dante said annoyed

"Sorry force of habit"

End of chapter

That's that's the end of this chapter of devil hunter deku, who is this mysterious woman dante is referring to, how did deku get to America? find out in the next chapter, comment on what you want to see next chapter

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