Chapter 107: SCP-2399

Start from the beginning

"Engaging target."

The batteries were discharged and were heading straight towards the repair drone. After a few seconds, the batteries had been detonated.

A large cloud of black smoke is seen near the indicated target. As the smoke cleared, the drone didn't seem to be damaged at all; it had still functioned as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell happened?" the commander looked at the repair drone. "Why didn't it work?"

"Sir, the batteries were detonated early." one of the strike team personnel asked. "It's ineffective on the target."

"What detonated it?"

"We don't know, sir."

"The SCP probably has some sort of defense system..." the commander thought to himself. "One thing's for sure, we'll know what this SCP's up to."


Present Day


Durham was observing an SCP on her monitors, tasked by Doctor Gears to observe its current status. She observed the Great Red Spot of the planet Jupiter, knowing that within it was the SCP.

"It doesn't seem to be slowing down in repairs... at least, that's what it seems to be from this distance." the researcher thought to herself. "I'll take note of this for Doctor Gears..."

Just then, she heard several knocks on her door.

"Come in." the researcher called out.

The door opened, revealing Captain Polonskaya holding a file of papers.

"Oh, hello, Captain Polonskaya..." the researcher greeted. "How was the experiment with the Gate Guardian a few days ago?"

"It was... unexpected." the captain responded. "When Able looked at the SCP, he was reluctant to move forward. As to why that happened, we don't know for sure..."

"Ah, that does sound bizarre..." the researcher responded. "Anyways, what brings you here?"

"Doctor Gears wanted me to give you these files to sort out..." the captain put the folder down onto the researcher's desk. "He said he was too occupied to do it himself..."

"Alright, I'll deal with this later..." the researcher replied. "Right now, I'm monitoring this SCP."

"SCP-2399, da?"

"Yes, that's it." the researcher nodded. "It doesn't seem to be slowing down in repairs, and it's a bit worrying."

"Da, it is..." the captain responded. "Who knows how long we have left until the drones fully repair that destroyer..."

"Knock, knock, guess who?"

The two looked to see that Doctor Bright was in the doorway, with Adrian and Iris in tow.

"What brought you here, Doctor Bright?" the captain asked with a sigh.

"Aww, come on, captain..." the problematic doctor responded. "Can't I just do anything without any questions?"

"Actually, you cannot." the captain shook her head. "The O5 Council has put together that long list of things that you explicitly can't do."

"Anyways, what brings you here, Doctor Bright?" Durham spoke up.

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