Chapter 72 - Be My Queen

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This is a long ass chapter but it's worth it!😏


Lorenzo and his girlfriend Simone walk up to us

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Lorenzo and his girlfriend Simone walk up to us. Simone is so beautiful and still taller than me, damnit.

She doesn't look nervous at all and she smiles as she holds onto Lorenzo's hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Lorenzo has told me a lot about all of you. All the good things though." She laughs off.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Simone." Vincenzo says.

"We have the same hair!" Elena says excitedly. Simone is a shade darker than Elena, and yeah their hair is pretty similar.

"Uh happy birthday. Sorry I didn't bring anything for you." Simone says to me and Sebastian.

"Nonsense. You don't have to get us anything. We're just glad to meet you." Sebastian says.

"We have our family and that's all we need." I smile.

"And you're part of our family, now." Elena adds.

"Thank you." Simone smiles. We walk into the centre and it's completely empty other than the guards we have on duty. The bowling alleys have been lit up and there are tables of drinks and snacks for us, and a huge banner saying 'happy birthday' on it. "Wow."

"Do you like it?" Vincenzo circles his arms around my waist and whispers.

"I love it." I tilt my head and kiss his cheek.

"Alright. How are we doing this?" Antonio announces.

"Well, we need two teams, dumbass." Elena playfully slaps Antonio on the head.

"Huh. No shit." Stefano snickers and Elena slaps him as well.

"I think we should do girls versus boys." I recommend, and the boys all look at me. "What the fuck are you looking at?" The boys laugh at me.

"What's so funny?" Elena questions.

"You girls are going to lose." Antonio snickers.

"And why'd you think that, Antonio?" I narrow my eyes.

"Antonio, you're fucked." Vincenzo laughs.

"Because we're women?" Elena scoffs.

"Fuck no. It's because there's more boys than girls!" Antonio says defensively.

"Please. We've fought off more men than any of you. Except for Simone."

"You know what, let's just see what happens. Girls versus boys." I say.

"Prepare to lose." Stefano smirks and we separate from the boys and go to our side of the alley.

"Bring it on, bitches!" Elena shouts and we all laugh. We enter our names and the game begins.

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