Chapter 16 - Escape

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"Why did you save me?" Vincenzo asked, staring into my soul

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"Why did you save me?" Vincenzo asked, staring into my soul. I'm asking myself the same thing, I hate this man, but I saved him. I saved my enemy.

"Did you not want to be saved?"

"I didn't think you out of all people would save someone like me." I could have just left him here and ran off without him, but I didn't. I get what he means, we're both dangerous people, and now we're stuck under this bridge, and I'm debating on whether I should kill this man again. I'm coming up with an excuse now.

"Well... you have a family who is waiting for you, and they would be heartbroken if you died. Sebastian would probably think I killed you." Sebastian knows how much I hate Vincenzo, he would laugh if he found out that I saved this guy.

"Damn, amore. You hate me that much?" He stares at me. Yes. Yes, I do. I get up and walk to the side of the bottom of the bridge that was surrounded by sand. There were a bunch of bushes that surrounded the wall. I put my hand through the bushes and felt a door handle. Strange. I look back at Vincenzo who is trying to sort out his arm.

I twist the handle and the door opens. "Hey! I think there's a way out." He walks over to me and pushes through the bushes, taking his gun out of his holster and walks in. Damn ok.

"It's clear, come on." he holds his hand out for me. He takes my hand and helps me through the door, there are a few steps leading down. I got off the steps and looked around, it was a small corridor, which had broken red tube lights on the ceiling. I took out my blade and gripped it tightly in my hand.

"Do you know this place?" I ask Vincenzo.

"I'm as new to this place as you are." he could have just said no. We walk down the corridor and turn left and see a door with blue lights illuminating through the door with a person standing outside holding a gun to his chest and a phone in his hand. Why is he there? We need to get through that door; it may be our only escape. Now it's my time to shine. I put the blade back in my strap and took off Vincenzo's jacket. He grabs my arm and pulls me back. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"You'll see." I smirk at him and walk around the corner towards the man at the door.

I start fake crying and tremble towards him. "Um excuse me, can you please help me? I think I'm lost."

"You shouldn't be down here." He replies with a thick italian accent.

"I didn't know. Please help me." I stumble forward and land on my knees. The guy grabs my arm and my eyes meet his. He's going to regret that.

"Aren't you a pretty one?" Oh hell no. I take my blade and shove it right into his neck. Ha it worked. I search the man's body and find some keys.

"You can come out now!" I shout to Vincenzo, I turn around but he's already there.

"You know, I could have just shot him from the corner."

"What's the fun in that?" I smirk at him and unlock the door. It creeks open and we see blue lights everywhere. Seriously another corridor. We walked down it and came across another door, this time it wasn't guarded. Vincenzo opens the door.

"You have got to be kidding me." I say.

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