Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut as Caroline said the name of she who shall not be named—at least for the meantime, "Wait, do you know where Katherine is?"

"No. Why would I know where she is?"

"Yeah, but, if you did, you would tell me," Elena checked before turning to Charlotte and Serena, "Right?" Charlotte scoffed as the doppelganger raised an eyebrow, "Do we have a problem?"

"Sorry, I don't feel obligated to help you get revenge."

She reached over, grabbing Charlotte's hand with ferocity, "Charlotte, listen to me, if you know where Katherine is then you have to tell me."

"I don't and if I did, I wouldn't tell you," Charlotte curled her other hand around Elena's wrist before taking it off of her, "Because honestly I don't care about the stuff you have to do to stop the grieve from getting to you. So just keep your freaking space, Elena."

✵ ✵ ✵

Charlotte picked up her lemonade and sat down on a bar stool beside Caroline. Rebekah was hanging around the bar with Matt behind it. Elena threw darts across the room with Serena ranting about her vacation with Alec and receiving a comment every few minutes.

"Is it supposed to rain tonight?" Caroline questioned aloud.

Rebekah raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like a meteorologist?"

The younger blonde gave her an exasperated look before looking over at Elena, "Well, someone needs to do something, before she explodes."

"I got this," Rebekah said, taking a bottle of liquor and a shot glass.

"That's a bad idea," Charlotte commented as the Mikaelson walked over to Elena.

"Drink. You're putting everyone on edge."

Elena tossed the shot back before placing the glass on the table and resuming with throwing darts. Rebekah looked back over at Charlotte and Caroline, and the latter shrugged, "So, what's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation."

"It's not complicated. See that dartboard?" She lined up her shot, "All I can picture is Katherine's face," She threw a dart forcefully and hit the bullseye.

Rebekah nodded to herself, stating, "So your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage."

"Look, Rebekah, I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off," Elena sighed, turning to the blonde as one would turn to a kid that they are fed up with, "But let me make one thing clear: we're not friends."

"Okay," She uttered.

"And the rest of us?" Caroline asked, joining them, "Are we still friends? All those things you said when your humanity was off—is that how you really feel?"

"Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane."

"I really don't think you have a choice," Charlotte claimed, exhaling sharply, "The past few days have been hell for us because of you, and the minute you get back, all you can see is vengeance that you won't even be able to acquire."

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