Chapter 84

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Samuel's POV.

"Where are you? Just come out you bastard. I'll kill you today. How dare you touch her!" I yelled. And he came out.

I'll kill you today Robert.

"How dare you!" I yelled at him.

"Why are you shouting?" He asked coming downstairs.

"Where is Jennifer!" I asked furious.

"How would I know?" He said casually.

"Don't act smart! I know you have kidnapped her." I held his collar.

"What the hell?" He removed my hand,"I don't know where is she."

"Just shut up! I know you are are doing all this for Alaric right! But listen to me very carefully... he's my son. And I'm his father. I'll never let you touch what's mine." I warned him.

"He's my son. And i don't have to do anything for him he's already mine. He's just staying with you. You are just his guardian not his father. And FYI i didn't kidnapped Jennifer. I don't have to..." He's really being smart. He's lying on my face.

"I know you. You can go to any extent for revenge...but don't worry I'm SAMUEL VINCENT. I've my sources. I'll give you the most brutal death if I got to knew that you're envolve in this. Just wait and watch." I said and came out of his house.

I called my investigator,"Jennifer is missing... actually kidnapped. I want you to dig in this matter. Try to trace her number ASAP. I want her every details... do you hear me every detail in one hour." I hanged up.

I was so fucked up. I came home.
I saw Ava crying. Mom and dad looked so worried. Eric was with Alaric. Everyone looked at me with hopeful eyes but they got disappointed when i lowered my face.

"Who's behind all this?" Dad asked with seriousness.

"I don't know...i think Robert... I'm not sure. And i don't think he's behind all this...but we can't trust I'm so helpless." I said loosening my tie. I sat on couch. I covered my face with my palm in stress.

"What happened daddy? Where is mom?" Alaric asked.

"She's in Morristown. She went to meet Aaron. Don't worry... she'll be here soon." I promised him.

I asked a staff member to tug him to bed. I tried everything but nothing worked. I was just waiting for my investigator to give me her details.

Hours passed. And i was becoming restless every minute. I was waiting for my agent to call. I was looking at my phone desperately. But all calls were official. Everyone was so worried. Dad talked to a sheriff and they were also investigating about her.

It was midnight and everyone was wide awake. We all were so worried. We didn't inform Issabella mom and Martin dad about this. My phone rang all of us were hoping for some good news.

I picked it up,"Sir, I think she's near the forest. We have found your heirloom ring there." He informed.

"Are you sure...any other information?" I asked desperately.

"No sir. Her phone was showing some location...but now it's turned off." He said hesitated.

"What location... where's she?"

"Bluestone...wild forest."

I hanged up.

"What did he said?" Mom asked.

"She's in bluestone forest... I'm going." I said but dad stopped me,"It will take two hours approximately... I'm also coming with you." Eric said.

"No...stay here."

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