Chapter 74

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Jennifer's POV.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Have you lost it. He's ill..." I was interuppted by someone.

"Jennifer." He came and hugged me. I tried to push him but he held me really tight.

"I missed you so much." Ivan said tightening his grip.

"Uhh...leave me you fucktard." I pushed him away. I slapped him,"Don't you dare touch me again."

But as always it didn't affected him. Shameless.

I confronted Lev,"Didn't I told you he's sick? Go get him treated first." I said leaving the cabin.

How dare he! But Samuel knows about Ivan then why didn't he told Lev about it.

I went to his cabin,"Samuel I want to talk to you."

"Sir! Call me sir." He said arrogantly. He turned his attention towards his laptop," We aren't in our bedroom so behave. And what is it so important huh?" He asked casually.

"Nothing sir." I said and left his cabin in rage. How dare he talk to me like that!!! I know I'm his wife but he can't control my life.

What happened if I wore something I liked today. He want everything according to him but I'm not gonna compromise. I'll wear whatever I like.

I went to my desk. There were some small projects. I started to design that. I placed some wall hangings and decor items in there. The bedroom was perfect.

I stretched my arm and put my pencil down. It was lunch break so i went to the canteen and ordered bacon egg with cheese sandwich and juice.

I waited for them to make it. After a while they handed me my tray but there was a red velvet pancake also.

"Excuse me...i didn't order this pancake."

"It's a treat from someone." He said and continued to do his work.

Seriously Samuel! When did you started doing all this treat thing.

I sat on a table and had a bite of egg and then Sandwich. I instantly drank the juice as I was getting late. I stood up from my chair and my eyes landed on pancake.

I thought about Samuel and had a bite. It was nice i was eating another bite when I saw Ivan.

"Do you like it?" He asked hopefully

"Why do you care?" I replied wiping my mouth with a tissue.

"Of course I do. I always like to do things for you..."

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I'm talking about the pancakes." He said making me realise that till now I was making a fool of myself.

"You ordered this!"

I hate this guy.

"Yupp...why? whom did you thought?"

I grabbed a tissue and spit the cake.

"How many many times do I have to say that stay away from me. Did i have to slap you again so you can remember it.Why don't you understand! You are creating problems in my life."
I tried to explain him in a simple language. A language normal people use. But as obvious he's not normal so he's not gonna listen.

"How many times I've to say that I love you!" He said and i instantly looked around if anybody is noticing us.

"Just shut up. I'm not gonna entertain this behaviour Ivan so stop it okay!" I warned.

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