Chapter 49

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Jennifer's POV.

"I'm Alice. I'm in the hospital. Would you mind taking care of Alaric for a day?"

"I don't have..." I was thinking about Samuel what if he didn't liked it. Well he never cared about my feelings so why do I," I'll take care of him. Don't worry." I completed.

"Thank you so much. I was really hesitating a lot to ask you I mean it's your honeymoon and I'm really sorry. I wouldn't have asked but...Alaric likes you a lot so I thought it will be okay...."

"You don't have to worry... I'm with him. Take care."

I hanged up the call.

I went to them and sat on the table.

"Alaric your mom called!"

"What did she said? He asked excitedly.

"She said that she's some important work so today's day you gonna spend with me..." I said and we hugged.

"That so good." He said jumping on the chair.

"Easy there... you'll fall." Samuel said.

I saw Samuel's disappointed face but I don't give a damn.

We ordered our food. Since Alaric doesn't like sea food. We ordered some oat cinnamon, oat meal,Apple pie and yogurt with fruits for him. Some milk in drink.

We were having our food when Alaric scrunch his nose.

"What happened?"

"I cannot stand by it's smell." He said feeling nusious.

I stood up from the table along with him. I made him eat his food and he drank his milk.

Samuel came with a parcel in his hand. I didn't bother to ask him. and we came back.

We entered home. I went to kitchen and drank some water.

"I've got your food packed as you haven't ate at the restaurant." He said giving me the parcel.

I didn't said anything.

Later Samuel was busy in a business meeting. And I was busy with Alaric.

I was playing with him. When he asked," Why Samuel is not playing?"

"He's busy."

"I'm not!" He said shutting the laptop down and came towards me.

He sat beside me,not leaving the air pass between us.

I gasped when his arm brushed against mine. Till now he has his effects on me.

"So you want me to play with you...!"


He looks so adorable. He so cute.

"Whom do you love the most?" He asked to Alaric.


Ever After (Book 2).Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora