Chapter 29

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Jennifer's POV.

"Who the fuck are you?" I heard his voice from behind.

"I'm..." Ben was about to say.

"Samuel he's my childhood friend, Ben Evans. He's Aunt Merry's younger son." I introduced him.

" are a friend. Hmm...fine behave like one. Don't cross your limits." He warned.

"Samuel calm down. It was just a friendly hug." I tried to calm him down.

"I should leave now. It's pleasure meeting you Mr.. Vincent." Ben said before leaving.

"How rude Samuel. You shouldn't have said that."

"Don't lecture me wifey do your job. Find something casual and comfortable for me to wear."

I picked a shirt and made him wear it.

"White suits you." I said folding his sleeves till his forearm.


"Hmm." I said looking at his face.


He was in dillema. I wanted to ask him but...

Aaron came we started talking and he told me about Sky.

"His parents are divorcing."

"What the heck!"

"Yess it happened on their anniversary when Sky went there and came without attending their anniversary. Karen told me this."

"We should talk to him." I said.

"There is no point. He's not ready to accept this. He hasn't talked to his parents since their anniversary when he got to know this. He tried to convince them but his father is adamant on his decision." Aaron said.

I went to the lawn area. I started looking for him when I saw him hugging Karen.

I think they're busy and I should not disturb their private space so I back off.

I went to kitchen and made lasagna. I went to mom's room and she tasted the lasagna. As always she said it's awesome.

I talked to her. She kept on asking me about my married life and my in-laws stuff. I told her that I'm happy. And my in-laws are very humble and polite.They treated me like their own daughter. She was satisfied with my answer.

I asked her about my marriage with Samuel. She said that she always knew it that my father wanted him as their son in law and my husband. But they thought that he's a brat and will spoil my life so they forget the idea of me getting married to him.

She also told me that Uncle Thoe came to our house for marriage proposal before a week of our marriage but they refused. But when they found that Eason was an asshole they don't have any other option rather than marrying Samuel.

"Forget the past Jenna. I'm so happy that you are living a happy life." She said.

I was relieved.

I was waiting for Samuel to come and taste my lasagna but he wasn't home. I asked Ava but she said that she has no idea.

Finally the door opened and he came.

"Where were you? I was waiting for you." I asked angrily.

"Relax baby. What's the big deal?"

"I wanted you to taste my lasagna but you... forget it."

"Hey I didn't knew about that."

He tasted it.

"It's not good." My face immediately fell down. He didn't liked it.

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