Chapter 64

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Jennifer's POV.

"I'm  pregnant." I said happily.


"Yesss!!!" I said in excitement.

"How is this possible?"

"I know... I first I didn't believed it but I consulted with a gynaecologist and the reports are positive." I said jumping.

"But you were on pills right?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah but I might've forgotten to take once or twice." I said trying to remember.

"How can you be so careless!!!" He yelled making me numb.

"Why? What happened? Aren't you happy?" I asked.

"You expect me to be happy?" He asked furiously.

"Then what should I expect? I'm pregnant and it's a good news for me, for us right. Atleast that's what I thought." How can he say this.

I thought he'll be happy.

"I...I didn't expected this pregnancy. At least not now!" He said disappointed.

"Samuel what's the problem? We can easily manage this baby." My throat was dry. I wanted to cry. I didn't expected this reaction from him.

"Of course there's problem. I don't like kids. I...I don't want kids now. It's been only 6 months and..."

"And what?" I snapped.

"I...I don't want... this?" He said hesitated.


"!" He said.

"Samuel, it's my first pregnancy I know this is new for us but we can adjust..."

"Nooo... I don't want this baby now. Do you get that."

"It's our baby. Our flesh and blood." I said almost crying.

"Jennifer baby...I love you. I love you a lot and I don't need anyone else in my life." He said caressing my cheeks.

"What are you saying? Are you even listening to yourself?" I asked him in rage.

He wiped my tears and cupped my face,"Plzz try to understand..."

"It's you, who should understand." I jerked his hand.

"How many weeks?" He asked.

"10 weeks." I replied.

"And you are telling me now!" He was in shock.

"Even I...I got to knew this today..." I answered.

"Two months...means honeymoon? Seriously Jennifer! It's from our honeymoon and you got to knew this today!" He said caressing his forehead.

"I have forgotten to take pills."

"So you knew this yet you didn't told me."

"I wasn't sure the day you saw me and Travis together that night when you...I was so tired and exhausted that night that I forgot to take pill and I remember it after some days. I didn't thought that... I'll get pregnant as I continue to take pill." I manage to say this.

"I'm fixing an appointment. We are going to abort this child." He said blantly.

"How can you say this!" I said protecting my belly with my hands.

"Jennifer look don't get emotional. We have time. I wanted to give you good memories. I want to explore this world with you. I want you to live your life...once the baby will come you'll be engaged in shits, cries and diapers. You are young and beautiful...why are you ruining your life."

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