《 nickname 》

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You could call it an odd habit but you can't help but address people with endearments. Names like sweetie, dear, honey, darling, and on some rare occasions; flower. It's the one nickname that comes out for special people. Today, you accidentally used it on Monty.

It all started this morning. You had a job as a floater employee, having been trained to handle a variety of tasks in any of the attractions. Due to the humongous square footage of the mall, you use your "special work shoes" which has roller skating wheels hidden underneath. It helps you get to places quicker. Then again, you have to go through the staff tunnels to avoid bumping into guests.

There were the occasional staff bots in the tunnels, some objects that made you trip several times, and there were the main animatronics. Chica uses the tunnels to get to the kitchen, you almost never see Roxy, and Freddy just goes there to escape from children (he says he loves them but the bear can't catch a break). And then there's Monty. For some reason, you were most fond of him.

Not only did you like indoor golf but you also like alligators. You've interacted with Monty several times before but it always seems to happen at the fence gates that he's not allowed to open. His idea of a joke is scaring you by bursting through the gates and making you fall. But he wasn't all too mean. He helps you with errands sometimes.

You received an errand today to bring something to gator golf. And speak of the devil, Monty stood in your way.

"Oh, hey, Y/n." He notices you and casually strides over.

Right as he gets near, you zoom past him on your skates and finish your task. You were about to go for your break until Monty appeared next to you. He invites you for a stroll through the golf course. Then again, the words "Walk with me" sounded more like a demand. But who are you to turn him down?

It was quiet between the two of you. There really wasn't interesting to talk about in the first place. You look sideways at the walking golf-rager. With that stoic yet angry look they designed for him, you wonder what could he be thinking about.

"Somethin' on my face?" He noticed you looking.

"Huh? Oh, no. I was just thinking."

"About what?" By this point, he stopped walking and faced you.

Before you could answer, a junior golf club flew in from the distance and hit him smack on the head. You look towards the direction of where it came from and you see a kid flee in panic. You then whip your head back to check on Monty. He was feeling around his head for a dent.

"Oh, no. Are you alright?" You try to pull his head closer so you could check it but he was a bit taller than you.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good." He stammered.

"Come on, let's go sit over there so I can check your head."

You lead Monty to a secluded corner bench and let him sit down. You inspect and touch around his head carefully to check if there were any dents or scratches. Thankfully, Monty's head is as tough as he is.

"Your head's fine." You take your hands off.
"Not a scratch."


"Not a problem, flower."

You both pause. He gives you a look.


"Just a nickname." You let out a sheepish smile. "It slipped out."

He remains silent for a few seconds. "Guess it's fine. I'll take nicknames."

《 end. 》

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