《 sun's palette 》

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Two things I need to be told:
1) to sleep
2) I am a good writer

Also, I wonder how many of you have this book in your libraries and reading lists? I do appreciate all the support so far~

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( sundrop x male reader )

You are an artist. Most specifically, a painter. The color you use the most is yellow. It may or may not be your favorite color but it's good to use. People only tend to judge you based on artistic skill but since you're very talented, people ain't got shit to say about you.

As an adult, you took it upon yourself to accept more responsibilities and tasks such as taking your 8-year-old nephew Gregory to the mall. The new mega pizzaplex opened up a month ago and this child has begged you countless times to be taken there because his mother is busy.

"If I take you to that dumb daycare, will you swear to be a good boy and do all your chores?"


It took some convincing but she ended up agreeing. She knew her son would at least behave if you're around. The next morning, you drive Gregory to the pizzaplex. You both get your passes and later head to the daycare. There were a fair amount of children in the play place. You noticed there weren't much adults around besides you. As you wondered where could the attendant be, a blur of yellow pops up right before you.

"Heeellloo! New friend!"

You discover that this animatronic with a sun for a head is the one watching over these little monsters. As you turn to leave, a cold hand stops you.

"You should play with us too!" Exclaimed the mechanical jester.

You notice that you're taller than it. But this was a waste of time. Sneering, you were about to kindly reject the offer until Gregory spoke up.

"We're doing painting!"

Any activity that involved painting would always tempt you.


And so, you end up sitting with them in kiddie tables, painting under the watch of the daycare attendant. You learn his name is Sun. While all the kids were painting like the basic, untalented, things that they are, you sat amongst them like a master. In spite of your canvas being a piece of paper, you find that you made a masterpiece.

The children all stop to look at your work. Although there seems to be more yellow than usual, it highlights the fact that you painting is that of a beautiful sunrise. In the corner of the painting, you noticed that you subconsciously included what looks like a happy yellow boy with sun rays behind his head. This character has a large smile on his face and his arms are open and embracing the day. It reminded you of something. Or someone.

The next few days, you find yourself in the daycare again. You continue to bring Gregory to play there but you began to realize that you've been coming here for a completely different reason. That reason lies in the Daycare Attendant.

"Heeelllooo! Y/n! You came again!"

"I only come here for the painting. And my nephew's here to play again."

Today, you decide to sit on one of the play blocks whilst watching everyone else play. It was odd how there was barely any human staff in this place. Then again; it's fun to get to know an animatronic that takes of children. Speaking of him, he skips up to you and sits down beside you.

"I noticed you like the color yellow."

"I can't say I like it, per se. But it's a nice color— hey, is that my painting?"

He held the piece of paper in his hands. Sun tells you that he kept it since that day you came.

"I didn't strike you as the sentimental type."

Even when Sun looks at you with that comically permanent smile plastered on him, you can see an expression beyond that.

"Do you see that smiling boy?" You point to the boy of sunshine on the painting. "I think that's you."

"Is this how you see me?"

"Yep. Not bad, right?"


As you came and went every chance you could, you and Sun become closer as an odd pair of friends. There's no word to describe your dynamic. But now, every time you paint, he becomes your inspiration. As yellow appears less on your palette, you make the sun the focus instead. All other colors could surround him but he would always stand out to you.

He's your favorite palette.

《 end. 》

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