Episode 20 : Distance from understanding ; 3

Start from the beginning

the old man noticed my hesitant state and talked "dont worry. If you get in trouble with the girl I'll say its my fault, little demon."

My hand froze over with ice at his words. How does he?

Sensing my killing intent he answered "birds not only have ears but they have eyes as well, Incursik."

This bastard. The ice covering my hand turned into a clawed gauntlet. This at least answers why Chris was following me.

My gaze looked at Chris on the other side of the arena waiting for the fight to start.

"Who else knows?"

"Just the royal family and a few trusted mouths." He pointed his sword at me waiting and I dissolved the gauntlet pulling out a crimson sword "now. What did she train you with?" A scintilla glowed bright brown from under his gown empowering the violent aura around him.

"Heh. Of course you have one." Pulling my scintilla from my necklace i slotted it into my belt and threw off my long coat, my white aura clashed with his producing sparks in the air. "Lets see if the old generation is out of style!"

Launching forwards my sword swung around to isaac's side, he tapped his foot and a pillar of stone stopped my sword. "Just like your teacher. Impatient."

Isaac smiled meeting my excited gaze and our clash began as i spun around pulling my sword from the stone pillar and aiming for his other side.

Lumine POV:

Just as my conversation with Alma's parents finished the castles white walls shook heavily.


"Is that old coot up to something again?"

The king and queen had very different reactions as the king was angry while the queen was worried.

Another crash was heard and we all went to the shaking windows looking down in to the courtyard seeing a cloud of smoke with pillars of earth sticking out of it and violent crackles of lightning hovering around them.

The queen turned to Alma "dear... you said there was one other than the Searigan envoy that came with you, correct?"

"...yes." Alma had this defeated gaze as she realised her blunder

The king immediately rushed away as a pillar shot into the air pushing something up. Lightning then circled the pillar as it flashed down and the walls shook from a shockwave. "That old bastard couldn't wait to show a bad image to the demon!"

"How do you-"

Alma smiled at my words as i cut myself off. The birds really are good at gathering information.

Following after the king i rushed after cursing Cayde's ability to find trouble getting even madder than i already was at his stupidity.

Arriving at the doors that went in we opened them to then be greeted by a broken wooden sword flying straight into the door. I looked at the king worried for his safety but his anger just kept growing.

"Father you slim brained idiot! Stop this!"

Is a king suppose to talk so vulgarly?

The earth spikes then collapsed and the dust was blown away to show an old man clashing swords with Cayde pushing him against a raised earthen wall with a black wyvern wrapping his tail around him trying to pull him away with the help of Ronik.

The wyvern roared and Cayde moved punching the floor covering the elf's legs in ice. The elf slashed at Cayde's head as he flashed away. "Ronik! Now!"

The giant golem let go of the wyverns tail, jumped and body slammed the elf. the dragon pulled its tail away then the hundreds of parts that made up its body flew to where the elf was trapped in the centre burying him under a small mound of wood.

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