Episode 19 : Running for home ; 2

Start from the beginning

Wait until the canons fired at me again. You'll dive down and pick me up immediately after.

"Aw, you don't want to fight an entire army before going home? It'll make for a cool story for your sisters~"

Ignoring Thorn's words I looked to the cannon waiting for the order to fire. The elves were steadily backing away as well, showing they were trying to give room for it to fire.

Ignoring them I immediately ran towards the wall

"What's he doing? Is he insane, he's going to kill himself!"

The elves immediately chased after but were too slow to gain on me with their half frosted bodies. The cannons angle then changed following the direction I ran as the riflemen repeatedly shot around me and archers loosed their arrows

With a black vortex, I was able to shield myself from their bullets and arrows for a time but what I was wanting finally appeared. With a bright yellow glow warming itself, the cannon fired right at me.

With a flash of white thunder, I returned to where I began my sprint letting the cannon fire directly into the ground and appearing right behind the three elves knocking them all out with jabs to the back of their necks.

"Time to go, Thorn!" The black dragon quickly descended flying just above ground level, forging a whip of corruption I tossed the tendril with all my might landing on Thorn's back yanking me up into the air

reeling the white tendril into my hand I quickly landed on Thorn's back and he began his climb up into the sky. "We're never coming here again. Are we?" Thorn asked almost saddened

Looking behind us seeing the sea of green and silver knights I responded "pretty sure I'm going to be blacklisted after this." A cannon shot us but Thorn avoided it with ease "and you as well by the looks of it."

"Eh. Too green so I'm not bothered. But the sheep I ate was almost as tasty as those fruit snakes." Unsurprised by Thorn's words I sat down on his scaly back and prepped for the journey back home to my family.

"I wonder how different they'll be after two months."

Trabben Hargeeve POV:

After a few throbbing sensations coursed through my skull, I groaned unpleasantly wanting it to stop. Opening my eyes I found myself surrounded by medical artifacts and surmised I was inside the border wall's medical ward.

"Dammit. So it wasn't just a dream." Not wanting to think about how my ass got beat I closed my eyes forcefully but immediately saw the frenzied silver eyes of the boy that beat me waking back up with a terrified gasp opening my eyes fully.

My vice-captain Siri was sitting on my bed's edge startled by my sudden awakening "captain!" Her shock quickly turned to happiness and she wrapped her arms around me. "You've been asleep for a full day. How do you feel?"

Siri had bandages across her arms and around her neck but she didn't look like she was in much pain unlike me "I feel like my head was split in half. What's my medical?"

Releasing her arms from me she returned to her normal statute self "you have a mild skull fracture along with a few squeezed mana circuits but you should be able-bodied within a few days of rest."

picking up my body I saw more of my squad members in beds with frostbite and cut marks "was that done by the bastard who took me down?"

"Yes. Fortunately, we managed to get some information before he vanished in a Searigan city not far from here."

That short bastard got away "give me the full report. Spare no details." Trying to calm me I laid back down and covered my face with my hand.

"Yes sir. The combatant has been verified as the platinum ranked adventurer, Incursik the battle demon, who is known for killing a dragon hybrid. He disappeared two years ago but recent intelligence shows he made a brief appearance in Preirig three months ago."

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