37. Don't let me go

Depuis le début

Joni decided to find Ivo, knowing that whatever happened Ivo could be relied on, whatever he did would not make the man turn his back on him. It was an odd feeling, trusting the man as though he was his family, the older brother he never had. Ivo's cheerful attitude always cheered him up.

"Hey, how's my gypsy eyes," Ivo grinned at him, "want a drink?"

Joni smiled warmly at the man. "Well, don't mind if I do," he chuckled.

"Beer? Cider? Wine? Vodka?" Ivo asked, making Joni grin amusedly while watching the man move about; he was dressed differently than usual, much more... smart, in dress pants and a dark blue dress shirt with a silver-blue tie matching his eyes well.

"Well, why don't you fix me a drink with that famous Russian vodka," Joni grinned and Ivo winked at him.

"Of course." Ivo smiled, took the bottle, and mixed a drink with some cranberry juice.

"You know, you still haven't visited us," Ivo reminded him with a small fake pout.

"I know, I'm sorry." Joni smiled gently and thanked Ivo when the man gave him his drink.

"Well, sometime, yeah?" Ivo raised his brow and grinned.

"I promise."

"You can bring that guy of yours," Ivo shrugged watching his reaction.

"Well, we'll see," Joni replied with a slightly uneasy smile. "How is it going with that girl...hm what was her name?"

"Susanna, we're not dating anymore. I think I'm destined to be alone," Ivo sighed dramatically.

"Nah you'll find someone, I know you will," Joni assured smiling at him.

"Perhaps," Ivo answered and looked at Misha who was approaching them. "Well duty calls; have to make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves!" He excused himself and left the two alone in the kitchen.

"Hi," Misha greeted reaching to fill his glass.

"Hi," Joni smiled at him, "having fun?"

Misha shrugged, "well, it's alright, I guess," He nodded.

"Lots of happy straight couples and teenagers, yes I imagine you're having the time of your life," Joni teased and Misha tilted his head grinning slightly while observing him.

"Not like Ivo's parties..." He chuckled and tasted his drink. Just then they heard someone clinking their glass and announcing a speech.

"So, I guess it's polite to go and listen," Joni grinned, and nodding Misha followed him.

The speaker was one of Dima's old friends from junior high. Arto, his name was, Joni suddenly remembered. He was a completely opposite personality from Joni, but it just showed how well Dima got along with very different people. Most people Dima met couldn't help but love him, Dima was sweet that way. The fact that he had never clicked with Chris should have told him something, Joni thought darkly.

Joni observed Arto, who began his speech. He had thick, round glasses, neatly combed hair that seemed already thinning though he was only twenty, and a vest over his shirt that looked one size too small. Arto hadn't liked him and he hadn't liked him back much either. Joni had once heard him spreading those nasty rumors about him, jealous of his friendship with Dima perhaps, people were strange at times. But Joni hadn't questioned Dima's willingness to be friends with Arto, Dima loved mathematics and chemistry and Arto shared that interest. For Joni, those were subjects that bored him the most.

"Mmh, watch out Misha, it's the man of your dreams," Joni whispered teasingly, still looking at the guy who was far from attractive. He then regretted his words, knowing how mean they sounded, but he hadn't been able to stop himself in time and now worried if Misha would think badly of him. He didn't dare to look at Misha's face.

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