Ch25- omg calm it!

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Lexi P.O.V

Me and Trott walked into Yogtowers. He had the biggest smile on his face. And i was trying my hardest not to laugh.

I had the folder of pictures.
The pictures of the baby.

We walked into the common room. Only Hannah, Kim, Martyn and Turps were in the room. Along with Rosie, Lilly and Hunter who were playing with toys on the floor.

Hannah and Kim beamed at me. "So? How'd it go?" Turps asked. I pass them the folder.

Suddenly Kim grabbed my wrist. Turning my arm to the engagement ring on my finger was visible. Her eyes widened and sparkled.

"OMG!!" She screamed. Jumping up and down. The children, thinking it was a game, followed her actions. Jumping up and down and screaming.

I giggle as she calms down. "When? Where? How?!" She asked. I smile. "We had just had the scan and the doctor left us for a few minutes. We sat with each other and he just asked. And I couldn't say no." I say.

Trott kissed my cheek as they looked at the scan picture.

"BABY WALRUS!" Martyn yelled. I laugh. "Yes. That's our baby walrus." I say. Trott moves behind me and puts his head on my shoulder. Placing both hands on my tummy.

"And they'll be as good a walrus as their dad." Hannah laughed. Trott laughed. "No one's a good enough walrus as me." He declared.

"I can vouch for that." A voice said from the door. I looked over and Ross and Smith walked in. I smile. Not looking at Smith.

"So why was Kim screaming?" Smith asked. I held up my left hand so they could see my ring. "He re-proposed and I said yes." I say happily.

Smith's face falls. And he looks rather sad. I blink in confusion and he pastes a fake smile on his face. "That's great!" He lied.

I stare at him and shake my head. "Yeah it is. And the doctor thinks the baby will be happy and healthy." I say. Ross smiles.

"So when's the due date?" He asked. I think back to what the doctor had told us before we left. "He said about June, July time. We'll get the proper due date next time we go." I tell him.

He walks over and hugs me. "I'm so proud of you." He said. I hug him back. "Thanks Ross." I whisper.

**1 week later**

I finally moved in with Trott yesterday. He's been so happy and so protective over me.

But tonight we had the TREXI stream. (Yeah. We have a stream named after us. Deal with it) And tonight wr told about the marriage. And the baby.

I was so scared.

"You okay?" Trott asked me. I gulp and nod. "Just, nervous." I admit. Playing with the ring on my finger. He walked over na hugged me. "It'll be fine. Look at all the love Martyn an Kaeyi got when they told." He said.

I sigh. "I know but. I'm still scared. What if they don't like me and you having a baby?" I ask. Placing my hand on my very small bump.

He placed his hands on mine. "They'll love it. Just you wait and see." I smile and kiss him.

I hope he's right.

The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Where stories live. Discover now